Gritty Podcast Kifaru vs Stone Glacier

I'm no expert in pack fitting but if your waist belt is pulling your pants all the way down, I'm pretty sure your shoulder straps aren't adjusted right.

Also I've heard Brian criticize ounce counters in the past. He previously said people should hit the gym if they can't carry their pack. Not sure when he changed. But I can speculate.
I'm no expert in pack fitting but if your waist belt is pulling your pants all the way down, I'm pretty sure your shoulder straps aren't adjusted right.

Also I've heard Brian criticize ounce counters in the past. He previously said people should hit the gym if they can't carry their pack. Not sure when he changed. But I can speculate.

The funny thing is I added up the published weights of both packs and the kifaru is about 3/4 of a pound heavier. IMO it's not a significant difference. I am sorry if you can't carry an extra 12 ounces for the added durability and expected longer useful life than you probably shouldn't be far from the truck and that is not what he is promoting.
I'm no expert in pack fitting but if your waist belt is pulling your pants all the way down, I'm pretty sure your shoulder straps aren't adjusted right.

Also I've heard Brian criticize ounce counters in the past. He previously said people should hit the gym if they can't carry their pack. Not sure when he changed. But I can speculate.

I completely agree. The way he was describing the Kifaru fit made me think the straps were 10 inches too big. I have had some poor fitting packs, but I have never had a pack slide down in between my buttcheeks as Gritty said the Kifaru did for him. There were a lot of these "stretches" in the podcast where it became clear what he was doing. Just like talking about pricing on the website.

Again SG and Kifaru are awesome. I dont care who he likes or uses. An issue that I take hold with is that a lot of people do not live near a place where they can go and try packs on. A lot of people also dont know how to fit packs. Where this pisses me off is that he is taking advantage of people who genuinely dont know any better, and are looking to him for advice. Its just bad form and bad karma. Im stoked to see SG and Kifaru both say they dont have any affiliation with him. The more they distance themselves from Gritty, the better they both look. If I had a brand, I would definitely want this guy no where near it. People can see through his bs.
I would normally agree with you, but I think the issue people are having is that he promoted kifaru and it’s comfort for several years and has stated many times the belt was the most comfortable thing he’s ever worn and it never slipped. So it’s not that he is choosing one or the other but the fact he’s contradicting several things he said in the past.

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Aron - this whole issue with the belt slipping is probably your fault as much as his.

If you hadn’t been buckling Brian’s straps and making sure he was all the way zipped up the whole time you were towing him around out there - he may have learned to tighten a belt himself and it wouldn‘t have slipped.

I bet his next podcast is on why his boots suck because the shoelaces won’t stay tied.
There’s a lot of repetitive comments and opinions in here.

Here’s something important to consider. What will change? Aron and Kurt already gave their responses. So what will sponsors and subscribers do?

The reason behavior within like this within the hunting community is allowed to continue is because people have short term memories. A couple of weeks from now people will have forgotten or have moved on and nothing will be any different, which isn’t necessarily bad. We shouldn’t perseverate on such a trivial event, especially during times where we should be reflecting on what’s really important to us.

But if people feel that a representative member of the community is not adding value, then make the decision to stop giving them what they need to continue. Likes, follows, views, etc. is how someone in the social media sphere establishes worth. The solution to ridding our community of people that only wish to selfishly benefit from it and embrace it purely for monetary gain is simple. Stop watching, stop listening, stop engaging. It’s the equivalent of not spending your money with them.

This isn’t specific to Brian and GB. It applies to any influencer that you don’t benefit from or you feel doesn’t add value.

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He's really doubling down
I didn't read all the comments ...sorry if this was already covered.

First, its great for hunters that we have 2 quality companies to chose from; Kifaru and Stone Glacier

Second; Its pretty disgusting that Gritty is such a fair weather friend. A lesson for all of us- take care who you put your trust in.

It seems to me Aron not only taught him a lot about hunting [you could tell he was a rookie in the woods] but also helped propel his business model.

Last, its sad how Gritty Brian has evolved to 'Show me the money' and is willing to toss a friend aside for money and notoriety. My guess is his "Fame" is going to go away quickly.

Personally, I enjoyed the podcast. Assuming it was genuine, I feel like all I ever hear anyone say is "All the packs are good, just find one that works for you!" That's true and all... but I feel like everyone is afraid of offending someone by actually saying that they think one is better. Basically, Brian thinks SG is better than Kifaru except in durability. Fine by him for thinking that. Others disagree.

If it is not genuine - e.g. if this is some revenge scheme against Aron for some petty reason - then that sucks. I hope not.
I bet his next podcast is on why his boots suck because the shoelaces won’t stay tied.

Yeah right, I'm sure there is money in his pocket from Crispi, or at least free boots, which I see free product as a sponsorship.
Personally, I enjoyed the podcast. Assuming it was genuine, I feel like all I ever hear anyone say is "All the packs are good, just find one that works for you!" That's true and all... but I feel like everyone is afraid of offending someone by actually saying that they think one is better. Basically, Brian thinks SG is better than Kifaru except in durability. Fine by him for thinking that. Others disagree.

If it is not genuine - e.g. if this is some revenge scheme against Aron for some petty reason - then that sucks. I hope not.

Any time Brian talks Kifaru it is a jab at Aron, Brian is purely a vindictive individual, he’s made that pretty clear in his actions if you have followed over the years. If your new you would just think he is giving his opinion.

Quick question, do you think a guy with 4-5 years western hunting should be leading a podcast to teach new hunters? He is a self proclaimed expert that rides the coat tails of those with decades of experience, hence he dumps Aron and picks up Lampers. The guy can’t go alone because he doesn’t have the knowledge to.

Truthfully Brian should only be behind a camera making videos of experts, he does make a decent video.
Why are any of these guys regarded as something special? Cause they get to hunt half the year or what? Can’t stand the premise of “pro hunter” and most of them talk like they are so much more high and mighty than us guys on this forum that work real jobs and have families and manage to get it done on long weekend trips without sponsors footing the bill for trips and gear, I say we are the real pros lol. But seriously can’t understand why some people kiss the ground some of these guys walk on. They are just regular dudes to me.
Gritty was great when having Aron and others on and driving the conversation but letting others provide the takes/info. very hard to listen to when he (and especially his brother) is the one providing the takes/info or just pimping products.
I was curious about the website claim so I just looked both over. Also the pricing claim. I actually like the Kifaru page where it has a list of every pack with weights, sizes, and price in list form. That way I don't have to click on every pack to compare. The main page on both is pretty close. Both have links at the top and a bunch of fluff in the middle.

Also it looked like the frame is $350 from Kifaru and $365 from SG so pretty even on price. I'm too lazy to compare bags to figure out which are comparable.

So overall it seems like splitting hairs on website and price.
Include those big flatbill lids in that equation
yeah.... not that that's a bad thing, but I think he'll keep that niche.... different strokes...

I had never listened to a podcast prior to a couple years ago, now I listen to a bunch, "the push" got me listening to them as I was looking for some guidance on shooting a stick bow.... my self teaching wasn't giving me desired results, haha.... some I can listen to, some I can't...

I don't know if Brian has actually changed, or if it just seems like that, but I used to like the podcast, but now it seems like he's just playing a shill for the most part. I still appreciate how he talks about hunts, seemingly not sugar coating the details, which is better than many.... I like hearing the "how it went down"

Aron goes further into that, and it seems he doesn't sugar coat anything about a hunt or a product, which is so rare I don't know of another person in the industry like that, he maintains credibility that way.... that's why something like this shouldn't bother him too much... it won't effect him in any way.

there may be things people like about different pack companies, and different ones will fit different people better or worse, but we all know no pack is "way better" than kifaru….. it's the exact same as saying Hoyt is way better than Mathews, it just isn't so and comes down to personal preference, but they are both top dogs in the industry, and anyone who knows the products knows that.....
I listened and was surprised to hear them tackle the topic, which clearly had personal bias in it (his brother should have just shut up, as he doesn’t have experience with either). His “recommendations” have no credibility due to the heavy sponsorship model, which he first bashed as hard as he did Kifaru. Given the amount of use he really had something to offer with the comparison and actually did a good run down of the differences. But the biased comments really wiped that out.

As a few have mentioned, the podcast did make it clear it was just their opinion, and what their use experience was. I thought it was good he read off rokslide reviews and tried and answer questions, but again, there was a bias with the overinflated language he used to compare the products. Given that they used to use Kifaru, and heavily promote it, to come out so strongly against it appears and sounds as biased as it does fake. SG has a solid rep and this guy talking about them, or the mtnops dudes promoting them.....well I wouldn’t want their support.

I do have to say, there is certainly always an “Xbrand can do no wrong” crowd - I think it’s fine, but there’s bias there that should be acknowledged. SG fans exist just like Kifaru. Now.....websites being the same? I just don’t see that really. Stone Glacier loads faster, is simpler (you can buy a pack and frame together), but perhaps people are referring to how they are organized. Kifaru does have a nice comparison chart for their packs. They need it with all the different models.
There’s a lot of repetitive comments and opinions in here.

Here’s something important to consider. What will change? Aron and Kurt already gave their responses. So what will sponsors and subscribers do?

The reason behavior within like this within the hunting community is allowed to continue is because people have short term memories. A couple of weeks from now people will have forgotten or have moved on and nothing will be any different, which isn’t necessarily bad. We shouldn’t perseverate on such a trivial event, especially during times where we should be reflecting on what’s really important to us.

But if people feel that a representative member of the community is not adding value, then make the decision to stop giving them what they need to continue. Likes, follows, views, etc. is how someone in the social media sphere establishes worth. The solution to ridding our community of people that only wish to selfishly benefit from it and embrace it purely for monetary gain is simple. Stop watching, stop listening, stop engaging. It’s the equivalent of not spending your money with them.

This isn’t specific to Brian and GB. It applies to any influencer that you don’t benefit from or you feel doesn’t add value.

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I’m with Jacob. In three weeks no ones going to give a shit. We should all be killing turkeys and bears by then. That being said.....I know I’ve run both pack companies products. SG is 10 minutes from my house and are a great bunch of folks down there that make great products. Kifaru has a loyal following and is basically the gold standard to me. I personally run Kifaru mainly because it fits my short frame better and works for me. That being said.....I never had any issues with my SG and wouldn’t hesitate to get another one. Kurt and Pete at SG and fantastic to work with and Aron and Frank and the Kifaru team are amazing at what they do. I personally also like listening to a lot of the tuning and tech and gear talk on Kifarucast as I did on Gritty back in the day as well. I didn’t think this podcast really had any relevance to much but I don’t really care what the likes to use anyway.....I know what I like and what works for me. If the guy wants to be a choad that’s his business and that will come back at some point. Weather you use SG or Kifaru you’ve got a hell of a pack and a great team of people to back up their equipment.