Gritty Bowmen question

Mar 13, 2012
I've been listening to GB periodically all summer, and just listened to 4 or 5 episodes on a long car ride today. I enjoy them for the most part, but have to ask: who is the host Brian Call and what's his creds? I really don't mean this as a personal attack....he seems like a nice guy....but he comes across pretty inexperienced. I love when Aron is on the show, because I seem to learn a lot. When the host has the mic, I don't take away as much. Again, I really don't mean to be rude towards the guy...just curious about him and his experience.
I'm with you freebird, like it when Aron is a guest, but not a big fan of Brian's interjections...but I'm not complaining as I suppose you get to do that if it's your podcast.

It is entertaining, but if I never hear Brian say "cookie" again that would be fantastic.
I really like the podcast. Aron being on makes it much better but Brian seems like a good guy. He must not be completely inexperienced if Aron keeps coming on the show. But I agree he is no Aron Snyder
I've been listening to GB periodically all summer, and just listened to 4 or 5 episodes on a long car ride today. I enjoy them for the most part, but have to ask: who is the host Brian Call and what's his creds? I really don't mean this as a personal attack....he seems like a nice guy....but he comes across pretty inexperienced. I love when Aron is on the show, because I seem to learn a lot. When the host has the mic, I don't take away as much. Again, I really don't mean to be rude towards the guy...just curious about him and his experience.

Who is like Aron? Guides and dudes who live in Alaska is about it. The guy has killed some deer, at least one elk, and been to Alaska twice. It's not like he started hunting yesterday. I think when we compare "normal" guys to guys like Aron it's not really fair. It seems like every time I turn around Aron has some animal stuffed in his bag. Put this into perspective. Aron spent over 200 NIGHTS in the field last year. That's damn near 2/3's of the year. Very few people have the opportunity to be out that many days. When you do something that much every year, you start to get really good at it and get your shit wired.
The podcast is probably the best I've listened to as far as learning things that actually matter. And that's thanks entirely to Aron, Brian does what a good host should do, make some remarks and get out of the way for the talent.
Man. You guys are rough. Who cares what his 'creds' are. He started a podcast that either through his salesmanship or name recognition has been able to get guests such as Aron Snyder, South Cox, Corey Jacobsen and many others. Regardless of what his 'cred' is his team has been able to put together a good program with some stellar guests.
Gritty Bowmen is the best podcast I listen too. I like listening to Brian speak because although he might not be as "experienced" as some people he is doing this to learn (which I relate too). I feel he asks great questions and works hard to get people on the podcast that are very interesting.
I like Brian. I think he puts the most effort into his podcast of any I have listened to. He cranks them out faster than most, but without sacrificing quality. I find every one of his podcasts informative, entertaining, or both. Keep up the good work Brian.
He made the best film in the full draw film tour this year. He has also killed numerous elk and blacktails with his bow. Killed elk in Oregon and Arizona for sure. I like him because he is a normal diy guy jumping into the biz.
I've been listening to GB periodically all summer, and just listened to 4 or 5 episodes on a long car ride today. I enjoy them for the most part, but have to ask: who is the host Brian Call and what's his creds? I really don't mean this as a personal attack....he seems like a nice guy....but he comes across pretty inexperienced. I love when Aron is on the show, because I seem to learn a lot. When the host has the mic, I don't take away as much. Again, I really don't mean to be rude towards the guy...just curious about him and his experience.

LOL, What kind of creds do you feel someone should have to start a podcast based on back country hunting and fitness? He hunts and hes in good shape, seems like he's qualified to me.
Like I said, I like the podcast. Actually, it's the ONLY podcast I listen to. I'm not really into podcasts. I guess I just assumed that a creator and host of a podcast would be an expert on the topic. I'm definitely not an expert, so it just seems weird when the host comes off less experienced than me.

I didn't start the thread to knock the guy, but honestly just to see if I was missing something. He definitely deserves a big kudos for working hard, enjoying himself, and creating a podcast others find entertaining.
I really want to ask some questions to be brought up during a future cast. I guess I could always PM or call Aron, but it would be nice to see maybe the last 5 minutes of each cast devoted to listener questions. At the end of almost every cast I have at least 2-3 questions regarding the cast..
I also like Brian and think he does a great job. He's a great host and knows how to move an interview forward. He also doesn't have to stroke his ego by letting everyone know how big and bad he is or what his "creds" are.. I suppose he asks a lot of general, basic questions because there are lots of beginners that want to know the general, basic answers.
I also like Brian and think he does a great job. He's a great host and knows how to move an interview forward. He also doesn't have to stroke his ego by letting everyone know how big and bad he is or what his "creds" are.. I suppose he asks a lot of general, basic questions because there are lots of beginners that want to know the general, basic answers.
That's one of the things I really appreciate about his interviews, he's asking questions to help others get info.