Goat Knives ghosting me?


Nov 13, 2015
You all want to read a weird online purchase, go look up my gray ghost gear tale in the business “good or bad” thread.
You all buying these razor type knives, why just not pick up a few of those orange handle ones with the blades that snap off? They are like a buck, at harbor freight, HD, Lowe’s, the local hardware store. Seems like it would to the same thing.


WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
Is it OK that I was on the side of the company when this first popped up, now with more information coming to light I'm ready to get my pitchfork out?
I'm certainly not on the company's side, but I still feel 2 weeks and trying to do a charge back is jumping the gun, so I hold to my original posts (based on memory, I've not gone back and reread them).

Even with Survive Knives, when I learned more about them, I gave them 2 weeks pasted the estimated ship date (3.5 months and multiple unanswered emails) before contacting the card company.

Not supporting or buying products from companies that choose to sponsor MF is not cancel culture. It is called capitalism and being able to make a choice as a consumer.
Cancel culture is capitalism and free society deciding not to support something.

When people don't like the lack of support and disagree with the reason, they call it cancel culture rather than taking the time to articulate a position.

Cancel culture is a lazy lable used to attack the free choices of others. That is true regardless of how stupid I think the basis for those choices are.

This whole when my side does it, it is good, but when the other side does it we get mad and call it x is old. So let's just call everything that is x, x and realize the label is worthless from the start.