Getting that 100lb pack from the ground onto your back


Jul 16, 2019
I ran into a situation this fall where I couldn't get the pack on. Got it onto my back twice using the normal technique, but both times it had too much momentum for me to remain standing. With no favorable terrain or logs around, I had no choice but to take some load off. I think the issue with this load was that it stuck too far out from my back, moreso than the weight. But it was also a huge load, the head, neck and cape were 30# and the meat yield off this buck was 90#. All meat was bone in, so conservatively in this photo you're looking at 130# with all my gear.
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An elk hind quarter + backstraps is a denser load that rides tighter to my back. That type of load was no issue putting on solo, though i did have some favorable logs to help me out, i wasn't starting from the ground.
Did you weigh the head cape? Reason I ask relatively average doe i recently killed had a 28lb cape/skull. As i weighed it before/after skinning. I'd expect yours to be much heavier
Jan 26, 2017
i did actually, because I wanted to know if it was actually heavy or if i was just being a b** about it. 30# on the dot with the head, last few vertbrae/meat/esophogaus/tongue, and then the hide to about the middle of the ribs. i did weigh it a few days later after it was frozen, so there may have been some minor weight loss from blood. or my scale is off.


Nov 8, 2016
N. Idaho
Like the title states, how are you guys getting the super heavy 100lb loads from the ground onto your back? The heaviest I've had was in the 80s and that I could lift onto my knee and swing my arm into it wildly and have it on my back in one motion but it probably wasn't the best way to do it and that was getting to my limits and I am looking for a better and probably safer way of transferring all that weight.

Thanks in advance for your answers.
As others have stated. I sit or lay the pack on the ground and get into both straps. I do connect the hip belt at this point as well, but that is just to control the load as I start to move. Then I roll over onto my hands and knees, lift one of my legs to get a foot planted, brace my hand on the raised knee, push up, and get my other foot planted. Once I'm up and steady, I finish tightening the hip belt. I find if I do not secure the hip belt before I stand, the weight can shift, causing me to lose balance.

It's gonna be case by case, but often, I will take my heaviest load out first if I know the area and have a solid exit route. If I don't know the exact exit route, I often will take a lighter load out first to establish a good exit route; it wastes energy having to find a route and change directions with a 100 lbs load.
Jun 28, 2017
I set the pack up on the ground.

Loosen the belt.

Sit into the shoulder straps.

Roll to my knees, if necessary.

Stand up. Shrug the traps up. Cinch the belt.

This one wasn't too bad, just as an example.
This is the way we did it in the army. Sit down, get strapped in. Then you either roll over to your belly and use your arms to push up to a kneeling position and then stand up; or your buddies grab your arms and pull you up from your seated rucksack flop. That tripod, ammo, and water gets awful heavy. Especially if you only weigh 155lbs.
Jan 1, 2022
Seems like the general consensus is don't do 100lbs unless absolutely necessary.

Lots of good ideas and this was more of a last resort rather than an ego lift. Definitely going to try some of these with 55lbs in the bag to get a feel for it and not hurt myself

High Climber

Jul 7, 2015
North Idaho
Seems like the general consensus is don't do 100lbs unless absolutely necessary.

Lots of good ideas and this was more of a last resort rather than an ego lift. Definitely going to try some of these with 55lbs in the bag to get a feel for it and not hurt myself
Good idea to practice. I’m in the camp of not carrying 100 lb packs if possible. Just too risky for the knees for me personally. An extra trip only sucks while your doing it
Feb 24, 2016
I just take 50 pounds out of it….

I’m on vacation when I’m hunting, and I act accordingly to prevent blowing a knee out and ruining my life.

I’ll make three trips if I have to. Whatever keeps me from being miserable while I’m in the woods.