Getting older has perks…

Jul 20, 2021
SW Washington
I submitted my Colorado applications for deer and elk today. Of those who know you have to first purchase a small game license and habitat stamp. I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t locate an option for adding said stamp? So I call.. first thing the nice gal asked was my age. Turns out now that I’m sixty six I no longer am required to purchase one. Older dudes do rule!
Yeah, I found out last year that if one is over 65 and and lived in Wyo. more than 25 years, they give us a Pioneer License, which is good for birds, small game and fishing. It's lifetime and free!!
Ehh… I don’t know.
I’m only 42 and I’ve been thinking this aging thing is for the birds.

I dont know, Im 41 and in the best shape of my life, and I was in pretty good shape in my early 20s.

I dont recover nearly as well from injury and hard strain, and putting on muscle requires more effort, but I am also a lot more disciplined than I was back then. If I had put in the effort then that I do know I would have been jacked, but its still not that hard now.

Being in better shape and having income 10x what it was when I was 25 is making my outlook on my 40s pretty positive.