Jon Boy
Another aspect you have is the ego driven posts. A lot of guys love pictures. Myself included. But posting a bunch of pictures doesn't make you an expert. You know what I'm saying? You could have a guy who spends the same if not more time in the woods but doesn't have any pictures to prove it. That doesn't mean he has no credibility.
I think there is a lot of that on the Internet. The drive to try and impress others and show you are a great hunter etc etc. that's the wrong stance. It should be to share and help others out. Not a di@$ off.
There are a couple types of guys.
1.) Guys that post photos/advice to help others and share
2.) Guys that post photos/advice to pat themselves on the back in an effort to make people think they are a hero.
3.) Guys who don't post much because they don't care what people think. I know a handful of guys who are amazing hunters. Kill animals and big animals year after year. Yet you would never ever see a pic of them.
I think that's where some guys go wrong. They get so caught up with trying to make a name for themselves or prove themselves.
I hear what your saying and agree mostly. I dont have a whole lot of experience or advice to offer people here compared to a lot of the others who are truly experts so you dont see me giving much advice. What I do have is a lot of pictures to document my experiences and share with others and thats about all I have to offer.
If I had half of the savvy of a lot of these guys you would see a lot higher post count on my profile, but I dont and dont pretend to. I hope everyone enjoys my photos at least!