Gas Prices & DIY NR Hunters

People like you are what is wrong with humanity; you are more concered with yourself and $2/gallon fuel than you are with women and kids getting killed by an out-of-control autocrat. Fortunately, there are plenty of MEN in this world who selfless, willing to sacrafice and do what is needed when simpletons like you cower and look away.
Where was the outcry when the CIA stirred up a coup in 2014 to install a Soros backed government that instantly commenced bombing their own citizens, specifically in Donbas, killing women and children?

There is always more to the story than what is being fed through our overlords in the government and media. As a Navy special forces vet that has served on the front lines of many wars/conflicts, I can attest that reality is not portrayed to the masses.

It seems as you are the coward and simpleton to cower and look the other way when reality doesn’t reflect your narrative, or is it that the women and children killed by the Ukrainian government do not meet your litmus test for your faux outrage and virtue signaling?
Wasn’t planning on any out of state hunts this year anyways , probably adjust my strategy here at home in Wyoming, instead of running up every weekend plus a weeks vacation I’m thinking I’ll just extend my vacation and stay up longer in just the one trip, depending on draw results I’ll adjust accordingly!!
Hunting and being out in the wilderness is the only thing that helps me take my mind off the BS going on everyday around me, I need it for my sanity....Just gonna be a little smarter and try to make the trips count!
High prices on fuel and everything else will affect all hunters, not just DIY NR. Quite often, drawing a tag is the hard part, with applications due early, so if one draws a tag they are probably going to make the trip. I'd bet that even those who can afford it will end up cutting costs somewhere.

-Local grocery and Sporting goods stores will see less business. Hunters will instead make one big "stock up" at the big box stores or order online before the trip.
-More meals out of coolers, less going out to the local diner for breakfasts, or less splurging on that one big blowout meal at the fancy restaurant.
-Less "side trips". We often spend a travel night in Deadwood, SD - may be less appealing this year.
-Less motel/hotel guests - more sleeping in trucks/tents.
-More meat will be DIY processing.
-Taxidermists will see less business. No mount or euro mount instead of full bells-and-whistles mount.

The more it costs, the more pressure some feel to go home with anything, even if it's a smaller bull/buck than they would normally consider. Cows/does may look like inexpensive meat by then. Roadkills - well, good ones will probably not lay roadside for long.:)
I didn’t realize so many folks drove. I have always caught a flight and then rented.

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I dont think current fuel prices are going to change many peoples hunting plans in 2022. I think its possible to see a set back, if fuel and inflation go on with stagnant wages. Its more plausable after guys spend a load on fuel this year and experience increasing prices of goods next year they will decide to start sitting out western trips. The great recession of 08 set a lot of guys back on western hunting. I bid residental construction projects every day and I can tell you, a breaking point will come for people if we don't get our fuel prices under control. Where that breaking point is I don't know. As long as I can sell work I will be traveling west to hunt. I do have to be employed to hunt. Some don't, but that's not an option for me.
I agree with everyone that the fuel prices won't factor into a hunt, but what some of yall may not be considering is what the high fuel prices all year long leading up to a hunt will do to some people who're on that bubble and stretching to make that hunt. It's not the $300 extra fuel for the trip that'll kill them, it's the $2500 extra fuel they spent all spring and summer long that'll drain them.
High prices on fuel and everything else will affect all hunters, not just DIY NR. Quite often, drawing a tag is the hard part, with applications due early, so if one draws a tag they are probably going to make the trip. I'd bet that even those who can afford it will end up cutting costs somewhere.

-Local grocery and Sporting goods stores will see less business. Hunters will instead make one big "stock up" at the big box stores or order online before the trip.
-More meals out of coolers, less going out to the local diner for breakfasts, or less splurging on that one big blowout meal at the fancy restaurant.
-Less "side trips". We often spend a travel night in Deadwood, SD - may be less appealing this year.
-Less motel/hotel guests - more sleeping in trucks/tents.
-More meat will be DIY processing.
-Taxidermists will see less business. No mount or euro mount instead of full bells-and-whistles mount.

This hits the nail on the head. We are hunters, to a lot this is our place to unwind and relax while doing what we love. To some it is their church, their one "vacation" a year and they won't go without that. It just means being more resourceful from the start and as hunters we are great at that.
People like you are what is wrong with humanity; you are more concered with yourself and $2/gallon fuel than you are with women and kids getting killed by an out-of-control autocrat. Fortunately, there are plenty of MEN in this world who selfless, willing to sacrafice and do what is needed when simpletons like you cower and look away.
2$ gal of gas over everyone! duh
I think what changes are the guys who are out every weekend within 2 hours of home, might cut a few trips out, maybe a couple less scouting trips etc. What I dont see changing are people who have 7 day plus hunts planned
As of now I have a vehicle reserved as a rental. 590$ for 10 days. Prices are up now.

Watching flights Into Missoula and they are creeping up. I may lock in on one of the flights that offers free cancelation now to lock in the price.

As for gas. 6$ a gallon is too much. I'd rather fly out and save money and drive time. 2200 miles from PA to MT by myself SUCKS.. I did that in 2017. South Dakota was miserable until I got near the badlands.

I still see Wall Drug signs in my nightmares! Lmao
AZ black bear season just started…

Based upon the volume of people (non-hunters) and the assortment of license plates, gas prices don’t matter. Folks are going to do what they’re going to do.

It’s a freaking mad house where I’m at.