Gas Prices & DIY NR Hunters

Dec 28, 2015
I’ll hunt. Just cut back on some other things if I have to. For example, in my home state i drive 1.5-2 hours to hunt some spots. I’ll cut back driving to those spots for day only hunts and go only when I have 2-3 days at a time.

As for my cross country drive. I’ll just pack a bunch of PB and Js and snacks. No hotels just sleep in the truck.

Fortunately I’m good on guns, ammo and gear. Will not purchase any wants this year just something i need. Which is nothing.


Jul 28, 2020
If it continues to increase at the rate it is I could definitely see it affecting some guys decision to go hunting.. Then again that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
As for everyone saying they gladly pay more to give Putin a hard time I think you’re nuts. I could care less what he does in Ukraine and much rather be be paying 2.20 for fuel right now.
And I thought the high school students I teach are ego-centric. While Ukraine may not directly influence your life, this offensive surge may give China incentive and the rationale they need to make a move on Taiwan. Sure the US can’t help every demographic around the world in need, but imposing basic economic sanctions is simple.


Apr 8, 2020
May. It may not.

Someone else will buy the Russian oil that is fairly simple and clear. So instead we will go to Venezuela ,which is a communist dictator, and buy the missing 3 to 7% that we are no longer getting from the Russians. Or we will go make up with Iran and start exporting that 3 to 7% of oil from them. Even a egocentric high school student should have the basic understanding that neither of those countries are super US friendly either. But much like changing your Facebook profile to the Ukrainian flag it makes you feel like you’re doing something.
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Mar 23, 2015
What were the gas costs before? Assuming national average around $4.10 vs previous of say even a full $1 lower. So your total cost is about $250 more than it was before. I doubt gas prices will influence hunting much if at all. We adapt to things so quickly that even if gas is $7 a gallon in September that'll be "the new norm".
Gas Prices in my neck of the woods were $1.73/gallon at the end of 2020. I paid $4.09/gallon this morning. I agree that paying that doesn't put the screws to Putin. Biden is putting the screws to all of us...
Nov 20, 2018
Gas Prices in my neck of the woods were $1.73/gallon at the end of 2020. I paid $4.09/gallon this morning. I agree that paying that doesn't put the screws to Putin. Biden is putting the screws to all of us...
The world is in disarray. I have no real insight or opinions other than this sucks. I thought we were supposed to have the new roaring 20s, so far the 20s have really blown.


May 31, 2017
The world is in disarray. I have no real insight or opinions other than this sucks. I thought we were supposed to have the new roaring 20s, so far the 20s have really blown.

LOL. I tried to think of how to refute your opinion, and while my family is all good, I think you might be right.
Nov 20, 2018
LOL. I tried to think of how to refute your opinion, and while my family is all good, I think you might be right.
haha I have no opinion. Covid confused me and sucked. Ukraine confuses me and sucks. At this point my only opinion is this sucks, and I'll fight anyone who disagrees with my well thought out opinion :)

The overall economy is what is going to cut into my hunting time this year. Gas prices are whatever, I can swing that. It's the fact that as the overall economy gets rougher I will end up with less free time to hunt :(


Jan 30, 2022
Gas prices won’t change the hunting plans we have in place. Mostly because I feel that as a NR hunter I need to take advantage of any opportunity I get to hunt the great western states. Definitely have to reconsider some of the “wants” I have and focus on the things I need for a successful hunt.


Sep 16, 2021
Well with the increase in gas prices and the fact that I might have to go solo this year I am starting to second guess putting in for the GMU that I generally try to draw. Might just put in for a higher draw unit so I get a Pref Point and wait to see if I find someone to go along later and possibly just do OTC. Just budgeting the gas and without anyone to split the cost I am looking at at least $900.00 to $1000.00 just for gas. These new Gas prices are going to knock out a few hunters. Good news for the Co locals that hate the DIY NR's hunting but bad news for the DOW who may not get those huge NR license fee's this year.
Just buy a Tesla Truck and all your problems are solved! 🙄 That seems to be the suggestion by the powers to be to get though this


Jun 27, 2021
If I draw a NM tag, any tag, I'm going.
May end up driving out in a rental instead of my 2500 diesel.
Just do a lot more walking, leave the ATV at home.
But I will be going.

EDIT; Actually, after doing a rough math estimate, the cost of
a rental would pay for the extra cost of fuel in my vehicle.
Either way, I'm going.
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Jan 11, 2015
If I draw a NM tag, any tag, I'm going.
May end up driving out in a rental instead of my 2500 diesel.
Just do a lot more walking, leave the ATV at home.
But I will be going.

EDIT; Actually, after doing a rough math estimate, the cost of
a rental would pay for the extra cost of fuel in my vehicle.
Either way, I'm going.

I checked price this am on rental for family spring break trip, made
me hurl!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Dec 5, 2016
How many of you ‘bleeding hearts’ are sacrificing your hunting/tag money this year to send to the war effort and help out the suffering people? I mean, honestly, if you can’t do that… you really care? Sacrifice is giving up something that means a lot to you, not some virtue signaling post on a forum.

To the OP, yes, gas prices will weigh into my decision for sure. But as others have said, there are weighs to offset costs of a trip.


Dec 17, 2021
For sure it will affect some people’s decisions especially those who have a two day drive. And for the people who are just now getting into hunting it sucks because they are having to take whatever overpriced rifles, ammo etc is currently available instead of the huge selection we enjoyed just a fews years ago.

I’m only five hours from our spot but the rest of my crew has a 14 hour drive so the jury is still out on them. But we look at our annual trip as a stand alone vacation not as an ancillary “boy’s weekend in the woods” so I’m sure they will still be in.

Now I will probably forgo the wall tent purchase I was planning for this year and Alaska is officially off the list unIess I win the lottery, but I see the yearly hunting trip as a necessity and not a splurge. I waste money on so many other things throughout the year I just need to tighten the belt a little bit. But I realize this is not practical for everybody.


Oct 22, 2018
Still going to hunt same amount. Bought some cell trail cams to try to reduce scouting gas costs.

Hope gas prices push some innovation on cleaner energy that is actually cost effective and better for our envirnoment. Not super well read on current tradeoffs, but I like the outdoors. If something were similarly priced and better for it, I’d go that way. I think I heard we only have like 50 years or gas left anyway.

Since we are also commenting on Ukraine here (shrug)- Would spend some cash to help Ukraine in whatever form was effective. I used to go there for work a bit so maybe biased. The average Ukrainian is aware their country has some issues but they really don’t want to be Russian, and are interested in building it into something great. It’s a wonderful country that I hope returns to its pre-war charm. On the Putin front, It seems most of the world doesn’t agree with his actions here. I’m also saddened the world doesn’t send a stronger message it’s not okay if that’s the case. On principle, I’d rather live in a bunker than watch the world deteriorate state by state with everyone saying “that’s not our problem”. I only get one vote though, same as everyone.