Garage Gym Athlete

May 17, 2017
Mount Airy, NC
I’ve seen this mentioned once or twice on here as a workout program. I’m mainly interested in their “shred” program.

Background: 39 years old 5’9” 177lbs. Lost 42 pounds this year, mostly lifting 3-4x a week and doing typically cardio (walk/run/bike/ruck). I’m really trying to knock out this last 15 and I’m thinking a targeted workout regime may be helpful. Diet is pretty dialed in 1800-2000 cals and 160+ grams of protein daily. Very seldom drinking.

Anyone got any feedback before I take the plunge?

P Carter

Nov 4, 2016
Sounds to me like some simple but consistent strength training might do you good. Keep the aerobic work, maybe slowly work to walk/jog and then work into running, still at conversational pace, but add two or three strength sessions a week. Any program will work. Here’s one simple routine. (You don’t have to do all the exercises, pick 3 and go from there.)

If you have access to a gym, perhaps just do linear progressions of squat/deadlift and push-up/pullup. Or a similar pairing.

There are folks on here far more knowledgeable than I regarding strength training. I’d suggest that you pick a simple, straightforward program that focuses on linear progression rather than fancy “kick your butt” workouts, and one that you can stick with until….well…forever.

Edit: the poster above refers to Liss, which is low intensity steady state, which is the same as working at aerobic pace, which is the same as zone 2, which is the same as conversational pace. Doing aerobic work fasted doesn’t really do anything except maybe a slight shift in your ability to use fat as fuel rather than carbs as fuel (*not* a weight-loss concept, an energy-systems concept), but the consensus seems to be shifting towards the idea that it’s better to train fully fueled because 1) a better workout is overall better than the slight gain from doing it fasted and 2) better recovery/sufficient overall fueling is better than any slight gain from doing it fasted. But those arguments are mostly irrelevant to people that are just starting - far, far more important to be consistent, for like a year, and to avoid injury than to quibble about aerobic work being fasted or fueled.
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Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
If your doing liss fasted your body burns fat. That is a weight loss tool. If you burn 400 calories of fat a day that you would have not burned if you were fed that is 3 pounds a month and generally it is the harder to lose gender specific fat. Plus your body is producing enzymes, building capillary density and mitochondrial efficiency.
If your doing liss fed your body burns the food/glucose/insulin.
1 hour of liss can be accomplished fasted without issues and recovery from liss is also not an issue.
If your doing more than an hour maybe have a bar at 45 minutes.
Aerobic capacity training done right at the top of conversation pace is extremely important for fitness.
Anything going over conversation pace releases glucose and defeats the main purpose of aerobic capacity training because your no longer burning fat.
Intense training has it's place but is separate. Jmo. Ymmv.
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