Form struck someone’s nerve


Oct 4, 2014
I’m not as passionate about this discussion as others, but there are going to be people resistant to change or better ways of doing things in all walks of life.

If someone like JVB is so close minded that he can’t look at evidence or data and at least be willing to entertain the idea that there’s at a minimum middle ground, then that says at least as much about him as person as it does as him an “expert”.

The issue of JVB distorting facts is a separate aspect of this discussion, but it makes him look like a hack and certainly casts doubt as to him being an authority on any subject. It makes you wonder what else he’s conveniently been discounting or manipulating to support his revenue stream.

Finally, I find the problem with most podcasts that deal with something like JVB’s is that they eventually become echo chambers. He’s only interested in what he knows.
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Oct 22, 2019
After painfully listening to just a couple min of that podcast I still have no clue who this guy is other than potentially Ron Spomers son in law? Lol.

Homie got called out here publicly by the very dude who was with him based on what I’m reading here. Dude is just straight up lying to make a point sway in “his direction”.

There is no chance he’d ever actually debate someone like Form or Avery in person in real time. The dude is clearly full of shit.


Sep 3, 2014
Southern MO Ozarks
Full disclosure- I didn't listen to either of JVB's podcasts, and will not as I'm not giving him a click. So I'm taking my info from this thread.

It appears this is becoming a "You can fool the fans, but you can't fool the players" situation. In my opinion, it was a big mistake to try to undermine Steve Speck's recent hunts. Differing opinions I can tolerate, but when someone discounts actual experiences with vague theories it really strikes against their credibility. This is all playing out for him in his podcast studio, accompanied only by adoring fan letters, but it's not going to go so well in an honest discussion.

I still believe that this pushback against Rokslide and Shoot2Hunt may have roots in his scope sponsor, especially with Caylens recent comments, knowing they are both Leupold sponsored. Leupold has taken a credibility hit from the drop tests, and its only a Google search away for their customers. It would not surprise me in the least if they are pushing some buttons in the background, with the goal of casting doubt on Rokslide, Shoot2Hunt, and those associated with them.
Mar 22, 2020
I’m glad he called out Steve and Steve called him out for it. These guys like JVB are a joke. So close minded. If you disagree with them you must be stupid. No room for discussion. I truely believe if you are intelligent you realize the more you learn, the less you really know and thus become more open to new ideas. Besides If someone is sponsored that automatically taints their opinion. I don’t understand how someone can read off a bunch of sponsors before a podcast and then proceed to give “honest” reviews on products. These influencers are not experts or authorities. They are sales men. Closer to the guy knocking on your door slinging encyclopedias than Jim Bridger.
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