Form struck someone’s nerve

I'm about halfway through it now and I definitely agree with him on one point. He said to validate his claims you should get some ballistics gel (though he strangely said 15% which I've never heard of someone using, could just be my limited experience) and get a cow shoulder blade, cover it with a piece of leather, and then shoot and see what the result is.

I'd really like to see this. I've never mixed ballistics gel but maybe I'll make up a mold and try it out. I thought I remembered there being some gel tests in the .223 thread but I couldn't find them.
Sir, I'd like you to visit the archery subforum and then tell me bows end bickering.
Yeah, they have their share of bickering. But it’s not as bad. People have their preferences, some stronger than others. But most seem to realize there is pros and cons to every choice. They don’t assume someone is an idiot if they choose a particular type of equipment.
There isn’t a 450 page thread of anyone trying to sell the idea that mechanicals can work, or that fixed blades can actually be tuned quite accurately. Everyone knows they both work, and just have different strengths and weaknesses.

Nowhere near as intense as the Fudd caliber vs Creedmoor type arguments you see in firearms threads.
This is always entertaining… people get wrapped up in arguments and biases. Including the peanut gallery that chimes in with worse arguments and biases.

Controversy gets eyeballs and listens, so doesn’t surprise me that he stirred the pot.
I couldn't care less what people shoot but this podcast was great. The fudd lore was deep and for some reason 223's piss him off.
From what I gathered:
Only mono metals will kill elk
You need authority
Rutting bulls are armor plated
Moose shoulders are 6x thicker than deer
Small cal shooters aren't honest
Mule deer are way bigger than whitetail
.308 isn't big enough for elk
223 is the same as a piss ant
Necropsy pics aren't legitimate unless your a gun writer
Jack is the man

That basically sums up the podcast
I can certainly see why neither Form nor Ryan would bother wasting time with this guy and would add I seriously doubt monetary value of any sort would matter to them in this situation.

"Fragmenting target type little bullets through the center of both lungs........"

Oh, puhleeze.

Proverbs 18:2 jumps to mind.
I can certainly see why neither Form nor Ryan would bother wasting time with this guy and would add I seriously doubt monetary value of any sort would matter to them in this situation.

"Fragmenting target type little bullets through the center of both lungs........"

Oh, puhleeze.

Proverbs 18:2 jumps to mind.
He mentions all the internal damage caused by match bullets then says they suck cus the don’t exit. That was a head scratcher. I think his anti 223 tmk stuff is great, hopefully the 77 tmk’s drop in price.
Never will happen. Whether we like it or not, there is a financial benefit in all of this for each side. Rokslide/S2H likes the controversy because it drives people to the site/podcast. JVB and others like it because it drives people to their sites/podcast.
Except Form and I are around 20k in the hole on the drop test...
I don't know why this all started. I made a thread and pointed out something he said in a previous episode but JVB has been on a crusade lately. There's been a solid mention of small caliber hate for months in almost every episode.

If you think about it, the majority of his paid sponsors have something to lose with this talk. Leupold and Barnes most notably.

It's pretty shitty that this kind of "fake news" BS is so prevelant in this industry but it's literally been built upon it. I chalk that up to the magazines, one of which JVB works for.

I don't dislike the guy per se, he seems like he could be a good dude. But much like politics, we've been programmed to think that if someone thinks different than you, they're the enemy. We all can have different opinions and still be respectful and friendly. But shots get fired when it starts to dip into the checkbook.

Science is no longer used as it should be and it can also be bought and paid for. The irony is it's literally the solution. This is what bothers me the most as I've devoted most of my adult life to science. It's not subjective in the least bit.

Question: Do match bullets of smaller calibers kill quick and ethically.

Findings: Based on all data presented in the .223 thread, I think there would have to be extreme bias if one said anything other than "yes".

Cut and dry. I started as one of the guys that didn't think it could be true. However, the data shows something different. People must be able to interpret data and form conclusions regardless if the outcome matches the hypothesis. This is called being an intelligent adult.
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Post 46 explains it better.

I don’t know how any of you all listened to his podcast so quick. You all must be short nappers. Maybe I will give it a listen around nap time tomorrow.
I am home sick as a dog, and around 100-plus people asked if I had listened to it yet. :)