For real?

I thought that wasn't recommended anymore for some reason.
Its not recommended but I think its more of a CYA thing. I've been building recurves and stringing them that way for a long time. Nobody I shoot with uses a stringer and I haven't heard of anyone twisting a limb because of it. I think you are way more likely to damage the bow by the loop slipping off the tip when using a stringer the way a few guys have recommended. You can twist limbs using a stringer too, especially if you are struggling and straining on it.
I broke one many years ago on a hunt stepping through. I was young and didn't pay attention to the bottom string not in the groove.....totally my fault.
I've heard of bow stringers that use a couple of those rubber rollers like you see on boat trailers mounted too a board or wall, but I can't explain it any better than that. It's totally different muscles stringing a bow and shooting a bow assuming you have good form so don't let that bother you! This video is only one I can find on YouTube, haven't watched it but maybe it will help

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Agree with GLB. I hate limbsaver stringers and use the type that hooks on the end of the tips. The one thing that has been mentioned is you may have to stuff the stringer with paper so you can loop the string in the nock and not have the nock go over where the groove is. But I truly hate limbsaver stringers. I use the "longbow" style stringers on both styles of bows. A bow bends easier when hooked at the ends than one down the limb and one on the end.
Went to the local bow shop and even they struggled with my stringer, pulled out a much shorter one and boom! Problem solved. Made a surprising difference. Oh the lessons of trad...they just keep coming.
