3:1 Haul Ratio for hanging meat in the Backcountry

My post above shows results from
Trying the pynch pulley, which I found to
Have way too much friction.

Below are results showing the harken 16mm. Clearly the better choice. A true 4:1 ratio, and imo worth the extra 1.5 oz.

Pack of 4 pynch pulley is $65.
Pack of (2) double block Harken is $80.

Pynch Pully
Dead weight- 34lb
Force lift- 38bs
1 pulley- 55lbs
2 pulley- 33 lbs
3 pulley-29 lbs
4 pulley- 26 lbs

Dead weight- 34lb
Force lift- 38 lbs
1 pulley- 38 lbs
2 pulley- 20 lbs
3 pulley-13 lbs
4 pulley- 10 lbs

I went with a UL ronstand pulley, the reports of added friction and trouble with small cordage made me hesitant to get the pinch pulleys. I haven’t had much a need to use the ronstands yet but they are very lightweight and roll extremely smoothly with any cordage I have used. I think I saw someone else here recommend them a while back.

Ronstan 20 series are amazing. Superlight and rated for 900 lbs. Well superior to the Wiser pulleys in terms of friction loss. They are very small and are about 10 grams each. I've used them with 3mm dyneema line to haul a big bull moose's front leg to the side to facilitate opening up the chest cavity. Took two guys to hold the leg up and out of the way before we rigged a 3-1 rope and pulley system.