Floorless and rattle snakes

I've only been on 3 hunts out west but never had a though of buzz worms til now. Just don't get them here besides garter snakes. We were hunting at 10k in CO, do they hang out that high?
The biggest rattlesnake (by far!) I’ve ever encountered was at 10,200’ in the Sierra Nevada. Around 7’ long and darn near as big around as my thigh. HUGE.

He was crawling across a scree slope trying to make it to the sparse cover nearly 100 yards away, and he was completely stretched out trying to cover ground quickly.

You aren’t safe anywhere. I hate those things!
We hunt in rattler country, Western Rattlesnakes in NE Oregon to be specific. Always run into some during late summer early fall trips when the weather is warm and sunny, and we use a floored shelter. Floorless SO tipi for late season hunts (early Nov) and have never had an issue, nor do we worry about it.
I live in the northern plains if SD, have for 20 years. Spend a considerable amount of times on the plains in SD, WY,and MT. Both hunting and helping friends that are ranchers. I can count on less than three fingers the number of rattlesnake encounters in those 20 years.

It isn't a concern to anyone that lives out here.

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I killed 5 last year on my place. It was my first year out here, 4 during spring and 1 in the summer. Ive since acquired a solid team of barn cats, Well see how this year goes. Snakes are a fact of life out here, and there's definatly a high activity time period. I haven't seen much after October. I've read snakes rarely travel more than a hundred yards in a day. In snake country it may be a good practice to take an extra half hour and clear your area.
I am planning to compare a few shelter options this year before the fall seasons arrive. Two of them are floorless/tarp style. I was going to use one Sunday night through Wednesday on a salt marsh pig hunt but the weather has been warm and we see plenty of rattlers at this place. I went with a floored tent with good screens and tight zippers due to mosquitoes and rattlesnakes. I was thinking of this thread when I loaded the canoe.

Little did I know we would find ourselves surrounded by 4 bull alligators within 40 yards of camp. They were challenging my buddy's snoring with their own bellows and mating calls. Anybody have suggestions for a gator proof option at lower elevations?
I wonder how many people have had a snake slide in under their bag and then slide out when they start to wake and move around....and the sleeper never even knows it was there?

I have seen a few hikers I have hiked with walk right by copperheads and never see them....
I like this thread cause I’m getting ready to dive into a covered lightweight shelter/floorless set up. As of right now most of my hunting is in prime snake territory, 2000-3500’ rocky and brushy hot all the time. I used to worry and wear snake gators but, got tired of them quickly. They seem to be cyclical like everything else so some years will be worse than others... Hopefully I’ll be moving out of there elevation more and more
Well I had plans for a floorless shelter for this year but thanks to Zap I think I’m going to reconsider. Zap are you still on archerytalk? I used to enjoy your writeups of late season bow hunts.
I'd rather deal with snakes than the constant barrage of flying bugs and/or ticks.

Exactly after hunting Kansas creek bed jungles for a few years and having the wife have to use a Gerber to get ticks from under my manhood..... I’ll take snakes anyway lol
Well I had plans for a floorless shelter for this year but thanks to Zap I think I’m going to reconsider. Zap are you still on archerytalk? I used to enjoy your writeups of late season bow hunts.

Still on AT, btw....I had a dream about rattlesnakes a few nights ago....do not remember all of it but I do remember the huge triangular head with an open mouth and the fangs.....

I recently got a duomid and solomid xl but I also got a mesh inner...(y)
Exactly after hunting Kansas creek bed jungles for a few years and having the wife have to use a Gerber to get ticks from under my manhood..... I’ll take snakes anyway lol

Ticks are a temporary discomfort and no where near as bad as chiggers.....but the thought of a rattlesnake bite definitely makes my skin crawl.
Ticks are a temporary discomfort and no where near as bad as chiggers.....but the thought of a rattlesnake bite definitely makes my skin crawl.

Oh I got plenty of scars in the sock area from scratching those damn chiggers..... rattlesnakes are aweful but at least they “usually” warn you lol
I run into rattlesnakes regularly where I hunt mule deer. I just ran into a pretty good size one last weekend out there while checking cameras. Below is the skin of one I encountered on my last mule deer hunt, it now backs a friend's self bow. But to the OP's point, I don't use a floorless tent. :)
