Please tell me where my plan needs work

Thanks! If you hear back from him on how things went, shoot me a PM or post if you want. It's my first time so I'm learning all I can.
He said deer numbers were great they’ve gone the same place the last 3-4 years and they saw more big deer than normal. I think they brought back 17 deer, one had nice double brow tines.
Knew another guy that was hunting by Ahkiok, he said they shot 15 mature bucks. Sounds like it might be alright down south.
In kodiak now. Morning looks iffy hopefully can get out early afternoon. Headed down south to our chosen spot as long as no one else is already there. One thing we learned already is weight adds up quick if you want a real comfortable camp.

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Thanks everyone. One more week until we leave.

I shot my deer rifle today at 100 yards to verify zero, then at steel out to 400 yards. Then I practiced with my 10mm a little and my similar 22 pistol a lot. Last I practiced with my 22 off my tripod in case I have to shoot a deer standing at a little distance due to the brush. I'm going to shoot the deer rifle again tomorrow and then pack it up. Everything else is pretty much ready at this point.
Thanks everyone. One more week until we leave.

I shot my deer rifle today at 100 yards to verify zero, then at steel out to 400 yards. Then I practiced with my 10mm a little and my similar 22 pistol a lot. Last I practiced with my 22 off my tripod in case I have to shoot a deer standing at a little distance due to the brush. I'm going to shoot the deer rifle again tomorrow and then pack it up. Everything else is pretty much ready at this point.
How’d you guys do?
We had some weather delay but ended up with a couple nice bucks. I talked to Robby and will be getting an article out on our hunt pretty soon. I’ll get a what I learned post going at the same time.

Thanks everyone for the help and I’ll get the article up asap. Our rifle deer season at home ended Sunday so I was a little distracted. I got the buck I was after and then took my nephew to get his first buck.