First Hunt Traditions

May 26, 2022
Fellow Onx Members,

This fall is going to be my first hunt and I am excited to get into the field with my bow. Given this is my first run at it, I was curious if any other lifetime hunters had any first hunt traditions they had among their friends? I have heard things from eating the deer heart to putting a dab of blood on your face. Anyway, I look forward to hearing some stories.
Appreciate the blessing of being there. If a mentor gives advise, listen. And if sharing a camp, try to be the guy doing the most to help out. Other than that, be thankful to your Creator you are physically capable and have the ability to go hunting, not everyone does. Lastly, enjoy the experience regardless of outcome. Just my $0.02 and worth what you paid to get it.
I didn’t do any of that stuff. My dad just emphasized care of the meat. Are you going to rifle hunt too? So many newbies get hung up on the romance of bow hunting and don’t get any success.

I am just going bow hunting. I am aware of the realities of the success rates. I love shooting my bow all year and am treating hunting as an extension of that. As long as I put in as many miles and hours glassing as I can I will be happy with the experience and to learn.
Fellow Onx Members,

This fall is going to be my first hunt and I am excited to get into the field with my bow. Given this is my first run at it, I was curious if any other lifetime hunters had any first hunt traditions they had among their friends? I have heard things from eating the deer heart to putting a dab of blood on your face. Anyway, I look forward to hearing some stories.

I was older when I killed my first Buck but my buddies dad was with us and it was on his land. He put some blood on my face and as corny as it may sound was a cool experience and memory I’ll never forget. Love hunting by myself but man it’s a lot of fun when you’re with good friends or family.

Best of luck to you this season.

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It always seemed to me that those traditions were about amusing the experienced hunters, or intimidating the new hunter. Either way, not something I feel encourages new hunter, or something I would inflict on someone I am trying to introduce to what I consider to be a lifestyle.
If you have a successful experienced mentor to hunt with, in the field, listen to them and nature. They will both teach you a lot without saying a word. Save the bulk of your questions for camp time. From now until season would be a good time to get out in the woods and practice moving through the woods as quietly as possible, start slowly and gradually work on building up your pace but quietly.

No real traditions for newbies like blood smearing or eating hearts.