First elk scenario

I’d shoot her. For every story of people that “could” have shot more bulls later in the hunt there are probably two -three that never saw another elk on the hunt.
I disagree. You get good at killing elk by hunting elk. He's going to learn more in the next 5 or 6 days if he lets the cow walk.
Both are right. I’d be curious to know the success rate in the unit. Once you figure that out, cut it in half for a non-resident who’s hunting it for the first time. Then cut that number in half when you have 5 days to hunt vs 10 plus. Take that number and cut it in half for a guy that’s a rookie elk hunter. Then cut that number in half if you’re unwilling to shoot cows. What’s that number?
I wouldn't kill a cow in an OTC unit on the first day. At the end of the trip if it's been low elk sign/talk/activity then it's game on.
It’s ok to disagree.

But you don’t learn how when to stop calling, when to draw, how to stop an elk, and making a killing shot by not doing it

You can always do everything but let one fly. I've done that plenty of times, and glad I had when the time came.
I have taken somewhere over 4 dozen elk over the years, mostly bulls. Unless I am in a super trophy unit with many days left to hunt I would shoot that cow with a smile on my face. In this case a cow is larger than any other elk you have ever shot. Elk meat is good.
Did you do that on your first elk?

That’s the topic here

I let cows and raghorns walk before my first elk, if that’s what you’re asking. Only ever killed 6 points. Drew my bow on plenty of cows and raghorns, I don’t think any the first day, some the last tho.

I sincerely believe what I’m saying that he should let a cow walk first day. It’s not internet talk. I would have half the elk hunting days under my belt (and maybe no bulls) if I killed cows.