Thank you! Background check, etc. No interview with the chief.Nice work! Do you have a chiefs interview now? Or just move straight to background check, physical, etc?
Thank you for this. I’m very excited!Congratulations! You just won the lottery. I am a 4th generation firefighter on both sides of my family in San Francisco. I have done it for 29 1/2 years, am the senior Assistant Chief. You truly have landed the greatest job on earth. No matter what happens in your career, never forget how great the job is and what an honor it is to serve. You will go through times of discontent, frustration with change, disappointment with leadership etc., but always push forward and remember, the job is much bigger than any of the individuals who are causing you distress.
Every day is school day. Never get complacent, it WILL kill you or someone else. The day you graduate from the academy should be the low point of your knowledge. Learn something new every day. Resist the trends to change everything about the job. Guys way smarter than us figured this out a long time ago. Be a loyal employee, and treat the job with the respect it deserves. You are not special or entitled to anything. You are LUCKY. As your career progresses, find a way to give back more than you take from the job.
Enjoy the ride, it goes by quick. Most importantly, never forget, the fire service is a family. All of us.
if you have any questions or need any guidance, pm me.