Feds want reintro of grizzly's in northern Cascades


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam

The Biden administration unveiled a proposal to reintroduce grizzly bear populations in the federally-managed North Cascades National Park in northern Washington.

The proposal — published in federal filings Friday morning by the National Park Service (NPS) and Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) — includes three options, two which would involve actively restoring populations of the threatened apex predator species and one "no action" alternative which would maintain current management practices. As part of the announcement, the public is invited to comment through mid-November.

Of course the hack anti hunters from Center for Biological diversity are all over this…
I’m all for it. Reintroduce them to Oregon and Commiefornia as well.

The problem has to get much worse before the antis will think differently.
ESA and other projects bring in $$$ for federal jobs that identify more funding needs. It’s a racket.

Ask yourself how many billions have been spent and what the success rate has been. That will give you the answer.
It’s not like they aren’t here already, WDFW have collared them in the Selkirks. Just read the WDFW page about them they express the bears move freely across state and Canadian borders. When people start getting mauled on the PCT it’ll get interesting.
I'm guessing they think the wolves didnt do enough damage to the elk and deer populations so lets see what grizzlies will do to help
It’s not like they aren’t here already, WDFW have collared them in the Selkirks. Just read the WDFW page about them they express the bears move freely across state and Canadian borders. When people start getting mauled on the PCT it’ll get interesting.
They are already here. Was up there 2 years ago and they replaced some of the closed gate signs with ones that say something along the lines of to protect endangered species habitat. Hunted up there this year and a couple forest service guys pulled into my camp spot to make me aware that they expanded the wilderness area to include a lot of the major roads which restricted travel by highway vehicles only. I asked why and they said due to the grizzlies.