Grizzly Re-introduction

Ever notice how these goodie-two-shoes bleeding heart activist group always petition USFWS for the reintroduction of "endangered" species in the lower 48?

It's because state wildlife agencies will tell them to go pound sand whereas the feds have no spine...
Mixed success with the grey wolf??? I'm sure California's abundant herds of elk and deer would love have an apex predator throw into the mix. Sounds like an epic waste of money.
California already has wolves. Granted not many, but they are established. A part of me wants grizzley bears, just to provide the huge wakeup call to the ambivalent masses, and of course educate those that only think they would be harmless, and make them face reality.

Here in Ca, well southern California, massesbof people crowd local mountian areas most every weekend, leaving a plethora of trash, including tons of dirty diapers. Grizzley bears might have a positive impact on human trash left in our mountains. Their presence will likely uncrowd our mountians...

Don't get me wrong, I know grizzley bears would have a serious impact on our deer and elk populations, as they have never seen a grizzley in their lifetimes. So in that respect, I don't want them here. But they sure would have a serious impact on how the Ca populace views the centers for bio diversity.
Mixed success with the grey wolf??? I'm sure California's abundant herds of elk and deer would love have an apex predator throw into the mix. Sounds like an epic waste of money.
There are 5 wolves in the Sierras east of Tulare, CA (moved down from OR) and they are already preying on domestic cattle. People think re-introducing apex predators is romantic, but they do not understand that there is not a prey base to support them in the places they want to put them. Not unless they eat mountain lions and black bears.
The southern border is the absolute perfect place to reintroduce Grizzlies and wolves. How about some Nile crocodiles in the rivers?