Happy to see this thread going. You've pretty much said it all, but I'll pass along the E-blast we just sent out to our members. Specifically so the contact information for you to voice your opinion stays fresh in the thread.
"In northern Alaska, a large portion of caribou and moose hunting is at risk for the 2021 season.
An Advisory Council is seeking to add new language to Federal regulations for caribou and moose in Alaska Units 23 and 26A. Nearly 80 percent of the 66.1 million acres that makes up Units 23 and 26A are federal lands. The proposed changes would prohibit the hunting of caribou and moose to all non-residents, and many Alaska residents, on all federal lands from August 1 through September 30, 2021. The Council’s request is not based on the scientific findings of Alaska Department of Fish and Game or any other official herd management group.
A telephonic public hearing is scheduled to receive public testimony on this temporary special action request. Additionally, the Federal Subsistence Board has opened a five-day public comment period (April 16-20). Submit a comment via email by clicking the button below.
Call in Information:
Friday, April 23, 2021
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Alaska Time
(or until the end of public participation)
Phone: (877) 918-3011
Passcode: 8147177
- As a hunter, I know the necessity for wildlife to be sustainably managed by wildlife professionals.
- Decisions regarding wildlife management should always be science-based.
- The Western Arctic Herd that resides in the units is above management objective.
- I oppose the closing of Units 23 and 26A to those who aren't "federally qualified subsistence users""
Due to a "high level of public interest" a five-day public comment period has been
authorized by the Federal Subsistence Board. You can send your comments, via email, to:
[email protected].