Federal New Cartridge

I sure hope they expand past “new cartridges” into stuff we already own. My only real gripe with the 7 backcountry is it’s a great proof of concept, but everyone that wanted a great 7mm already bought one in the last 10 years as they’ve come out. There’s a huge market to feed yet they just created their own hurdle by making people buy a whole new gun to experience the new technology. I’d be stoked if this was just a new line of ammo starting in 280ai, but it looks like they’re swinging for the fences and hoping to completely sidestep everything currently in use.
I sure hope they expand past “new cartridges” into stuff we already own. My only real gripe with the 7 backcountry is it’s a great proof of concept, but everyone that wanted a great 7mm already bought one in the last 10 years as they’ve come out. There’s a huge market to feed yet they just created their own hurdle by making people buy a whole new gun to experience the new technology. I’d be stoked if this was just a new line of ammo starting in 280ai, but it looks like they’re swinging for the fences and hoping to completely sidestep everything currently in use.

You don't need a new gun, just a new barrel.
What am I missing? If the new technology involves just the case, why wouldn't they just offer traditional cartridges in the new peak alloy cases?

Probably because they have a ton of money and maybe tooling in this specific cartridge because it was a military solicitation. It might have been the solicitation that Sig won with the .277 Fury.
I sure hope they expand past “new cartridges” into stuff we already own. My only real gripe with the 7 backcountry is it’s a great proof of concept, but everyone that wanted a great 7mm already bought one in the last 10 years as they’ve come out. There’s a huge market to feed yet they just created their own hurdle by making people buy a whole new gun to experience the new technology. I’d be stoked if this was just a new line of ammo starting in 280ai, but it looks like they’re swinging for the fences and hoping to completely sidestep everything currently in use.

What am I missing? If the new technology involves just the case, why wouldn't they just offer traditional cartridges in the new peak alloy cases?

Same reason they won’t make the 6mm CR-277 fury I want. They don’t want the new high pressure ammo to be able to chamber in just any firearm that might not be designed for the higher force.
All this cartridge launch makes me want to do is buy a bunch of 277 fury hybrid casings; bump back the shoulder, neck down, and trim to make a 6mm Creedmoor "Magnum".
It's already been done. But you'll have a LOT less work to do if you just do an 8 twist 243ai off the 277 fury case.
Same reason they won’t make the 6mm CR-277 fury I want. They don’t want the new high pressure ammo to be able to chamber in just any firearm that might not be designed for the higher force.
I don't believe the rifle designs are any different, just the fact that the case absorbs pressure.
Supposed to be OK with suppressors. I wasn't very interested in this at first but am getting there.

Look on there website and scroll down to the 80 rifles offered. Every one of them is shown with a supressor.

Quote from website:

"No, 7mm Backcountry produces best-in-class velocities and trajectories through both suppressed and unsuppressed rifles. However, to take full advantage of the cartridge and all it offers, it’s ideal to shoot it through a 20-inch suppressed barrel."
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I don't believe the rifle designs are any different, just the fact that the case absorbs pressure.
I am not saying they are wrong, but they are going to have to how their work on that.

Stiffer materials have higher transmissibility.

It might be just that the manufacturers that are onboard have done the testing and the reduction in safety factor is deemed acceptable.
I hope this gen 1 is moderately successful. Then by gen 3 or 4, there will be a 6mm that can push a yet to be developed 128 gr high bc bullet 3300 fps out of a 10" barrel. The barrel will have a 6" integral suppressor. This will go along with a future change in the NFA to exempt any suppressor that is a permanent part of a rifle.
Costs nothing to dream...

I would pay almost anything for a rifle like this.
I'm already on record hating on this but you guys have got me wondering if maybe they've come up with something neat. I've had a 280 AI on my list of wants for a while. Standard bolt face; standard case body; standard action length. It looks like they are going with that:


As @AkMtnRunner said, if this thing is truly reloadable and components become available, it might get interesting. A 16" barrel would be so handy . . .

I'm still not sold that 80k psi (or whatever it is) is a great idea, but the implications of this for future cartridges are pretty significant. Provided it's safe and Federal doesn't drop the ball on pushing/marketing this. They are going to need to settle in for a long game on marketing and logistics to make this work. And I don't think keeping it proprietary is the way to go. See, e.g., 6.5 Grendel initially.

I'm still not going to be an early adopter (my 30-06 still works just fine). But they've got me curious about the tech for sure. Recoil, accuracy, and barrel life will be interesting things to see in the real world, as well as whether the published velocities hold up and what powders (and primers?) are needed to get them, and what extra steps or tools are neeeded to reload it. I guess time will tell if this is the next big thing or just a fad.
I sure hope they expand past “new cartridges” into stuff we already own. My only real gripe with the 7 backcountry is it’s a great proof of concept, but everyone that wanted a great 7mm already bought one in the last 10 years as they’ve come out. There’s a huge market to feed yet they just created their own hurdle by making people buy a whole new gun to experience the new technology. I’d be stoked if this was just a new line of ammo starting in 280ai, but it looks like they’re swinging for the fences and hoping to completely sidestep everything currently in use.
We are heading into "show" season, SHOT show etc. This is where buyers from sporting goods retailers place orders for the coming year. Are buyers going to get excited by a new flavor of 280AI ammo to? Or are they going to push the go button on a new rifle/ammo/loading dies etc? Federal (or any manufacturer) isn't trying to sell to their customers, the retailers. The retailer would way rather sell a new gun, a scope, and ammo.

So they are not creating a hurdle at all. How does it increase Federal's and the retailers bottom line if existing gun owners buy a box of the new ammo? They were going to buy ammo anyway, so it would be trading one for the other. There would be zero increase in sales.
What am I missing? If the new technology involves just the case, why wouldn't they just offer traditional cartridges in the new peak alloy cases?

Existing cartridges that major manufacturers sell are based upon SAAMI validated and approved pressures which all max out well below 80k PSI.