Federal New Cartridge

Wow. The cartridge isn’t even out yet and it’s getting blasted here.

I like technology progressing forward. Steel cases have been around since WW2, this isn’t novel and won’t cause excessive wear if the components are designed to handle steel cases. Machine guns fire thousands of rounds of steel without issue. However, using steel to achieve high pressures safely is new. Lets see where this goes.

The ability to choice higher velocities out of smaller cases is a good thing for the hunting community. It means more performance in smaller and handier rifles.
Wow. The cartridge isn’t even out yet and it’s getting blasted here.

I like technology progressing forward. Steel cases have been around since WW2, this isn’t novel and won’t cause excessive wear if the components are designed to handle steel cases. Machine guns fire thousands of rounds of steel without issue. However, using steel to achieve high pressures safely is new. Lets see where this goes.

The ability to choice higher velocities out of smaller cases is a good thing for the hunting community. It means more performance in smaller and handier rifles.
It’s getting blasted because it’s only adding to a performance stat (velocity over 3k) that shooters care less about every day as other tech increases.
What happens when another company comes out with steel case ammo for a 7rem, 7-08, or PRC in a couple months? The backcountry will be irrelevant, for those who cared in the first place, before the ‘25 hunting season even starts.
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Wow. The cartridge isn’t even out yet and it’s getting blasted here.

I like technology progressing forward. Steel cases have been around since WW2, this isn’t novel and won’t cause excessive wear if the components are designed to handle steel cases. Machine guns fire thousands of rounds of steel without issue. However, using steel to achieve high pressures safely is new. Lets see where this goes.

The ability to choice higher velocities out of smaller cases is a good thing for the hunting community. It means more performance in smaller and handier rifles.

If I want to fire steel cased ammunition, I’ll grab some cheap TulAmmo for my 300 BLK
or 5.56.

This seems very proprietary- the last thing I want is a cartridge with minimal factory support, limited options, and likely more expensive ammo.
You really can't get higher velocity without more recoil when using the same bullet weight. Physics is physics. For every action (bullet going faster) there is a reaction (more recoil).
Right. Which is why I said same velocity just shorter barrel. The shorter barrel is what makes it coveninent. 22”’ with can vs 28” with can. That would be nice

It’s getting blasted because it’s only adding to a performance stat (velocity over 3k) that shooters care less about every day as other tech increases.
What happens when another company comes out with steel case ammo for a 7rem, 7-08, or PRC in a couple months? The backcountry will be irrelevant, for those who cared in the first place, before the ‘25 hunting season even starts.
Do not agree totally. The 7PRC guys are crapping their pants because 7PRC is not getting advertised velocities. So people do care about velocity. Maybe in a stroke of marketing genius Federal has been hoarding all the rl26 from Hornady for this new round

Interesting IMO. Not something I’d rush out and buy but if factory ammo shoots well enough I could see it being a popular option for factory ammo hunters.

Sounds like federal is saying reloadable which is a big deal in high performance cartridges IMO.

If you can get the same speeds with less powder it does equate to a little less recoil energy.

Not likely something for me but I’m not going to poo poo on it without knowing how it really works out. Might be a great option.
I'm waiting to see how many whallops it produces before casting full judgement. Honestly "Fastest 7mm" sounds like a marketing pitch from the 90s and early 2000s. More people now care about availability/cost of components, less recoil, field position accuracy, barrel life, spotting impacts, etc with enough velocity and lethality to get the job done at the realistic ranges they actually shoot and kill (which tends to be much closer in practice than theory). All the above leads to more practice, fun and proficiency with their rifle. This is coming from a former 300RUM/7RM shooter now enjoying the 6mms for most applications.
Wow!!!! A 28 Nosler that can’t be reloaded - what an awesome idea! I bet a young engineer got a raise for this ridiculousness. What qualifies as a good idea nowadays makes me question if we are moving forward or back. Are 28 Noslers flying off the shelves and Federal execs were drunk and thought what would be better than duplicating the performance of something in a tiny segment of the market. *chuckle*
And this is going to do what vs tons of other things that already exist?
purely influencer fuel at this point. Gotta review something!
Do not agree totally. The 7PRC guys are crapping their pants because 7PRC is not getting advertised velocities. So people do care about velocity.
The PRC was a legit overall update of a 7mm to modern specs, it looks to me the owners were less mad about the velocity loss and more about the lack of transparency of component change and false velocity. It’ll go back when powder is available at the volume they need it.
My wish list for federal would be to load a 35 cal fusion in a 200-225 grain based on achieving legit .4 BC for 358 Winchester.

Not a huge market, but wide open for a sizable cult following. There simply is not any great bullets for mid bores in a short case.

Some tweaking of above ie shorter couple thousands less diameter in 150 grain and they could compete with a superior bullet in 350 legend.
For the love of everything Holy, can they not make a large run of the Federal Premium loaded 150 gr NBT for 300wsm?
They loaded them over 15 years and got me hooked.
For the love of everything Holy, can they not make a large run of the Federal Premium loaded 150 gr NBT for 300wsm?
They loaded them over 15 years and got me hooked.
I know. I've been waiting for them to make a run of 200gr trophy bonded tip for years now.
Meh. I guess we’ll see, but I’m not crazy about new cartridges getting more speed by going to really high pressures. The 277 fury, for example, still strikes me as an overall bad idea. I won’t be an early adopter of this and likely a never adopter. I was more interested when I thought they had “Creedmoored” the 280 case. Yes, the 280 ai is already there, so I wasn’t real excited, but that would have been a better idea than this imo.
Federal prob designed a 97gr tipped copper bullet to be launched at 3500fps from a 7mag just to say they have the fastest 7mm "factory" offering. What a bunch of click bate bullshit. Nosler nor federal will ever do anything truly relevant to where the industry is going. They a half a decade behind Hornady all the time.

I'll give hornady that, they don't create offerings to the new trends. They create the new trends with offerings. Heavy for cal, high bc, expanding match bullets from modern design highly efficient case designs.
It’s a steel-cased 7mm called “7mm Backcountry”

I dropped what I know about it here: https://gununiversity.com/7mm-backcountry-review/
Something people miss about the high pressure rounds like the 277 fury and I guess this one, is it takes less powder to achieve the extra velocity.
A good example is the 277 fury has less recoil than a 270win while achieving the same velocity with the same bullet as the 6.8w. People forget the mass of the powder must also be accelerated.
Without knowing the powder charge, it's impossible to know how much recoil it has. If we had a measured case capacity we could figure it out, but I haven't seen that yet.
The biggest feature of the steel cases, to me, is recoil reduction. Like you said in your article 7RUM and 28nos already exist. But it's likely this can achieve those velocities(given barrel and bullet are equal), but with the recoil of a 280ai.
I'm odd, but I've hoped for a 7 Creed. BC's of .796 at a reasonable velocity, but twisted/throated/magged for enough OAL to do it would be pretty sweet.

Obviously not actually much different than the 6.5, admittedly. Doubt that's what Federal is doing anyway.
Problem with doing a 7 creed, if it has similar powder capacity as the rest of the creed cases, it's going to push high BC bullets really slow. I don't think anyone really wants a 2400fps 175gr 7mm.
If you're going to shoot 140s and 150s 7-08 already exists and can stabilize most of the bullets in that weight class.