Federal New Cartridge

My wishlist for Federal is making more Federal High Bird 12 ga #6 for a reasonable price. Great ammo, but at $20 per box? Thanks Federal. I’m switching to Fiochi golden pheasant.
My wish list for federal would be to load a 35 cal fusion in a 200-225 grain based on achieving legit .4 BC for 358 Winchester.

Not a huge market, but wide open for a sizable cult following. There simply is not any great bullets for mid bores in a short case.

Some tweaking of above ie shorter couple thousands less diameter in 150 grain and they could compete with a superior bullet in 350 legend.
Higher velocity without a big increase in recoil is appealing for running a can, at least can see a use case. I was watching a youtube video and guy was getting 2900 fpsish with 277 fury out of sig cross with 16” barrel and 150gr accubond hybrid factory ammo. Recoil not higher than normal 270 due to small 308 sized case. Not sure what this 7mm is though. If it is big cased to get velocity then big recoil

I'm odd, but I've hoped for a 7 Creed. BC's of .796 at a reasonable velocity, but twisted/throated/magged for enough OAL to do it would be pretty sweet.

Obviously not actually much different than the 6.5, admittedly. Doubt that's what Federal is doing anyway.