Favorite upland pants?

Well I might not be the best advice given your opener...but I personally love the Sawbuck pants. I zapped them with hot water in the wash and they shrunk enough to fit my legs well enough to not have baggy pant syndrome.

For me it really depends on the hunt I'm having....

If it's a preserve hunt or one of our quail areas with easy grassy knee high cover...I don't need any briar protection. So I'll run the First Light corrugate pants as they are extremely comfortable and flexible. I think the new corrugate with the waterproof knee/seat and extra protection would be an even better bet. But I'll hunt through my old ones before buying the 2.0.

My go to is actually the sawbuck. It has just enough briar protection while staying flexible and very comfortable. I've thrown out my old duck canvas tin-cloth style pants of old - hot/stiff/uncomfortable.

In addition to the above I run the Pyke Tongass. Same as above - just the right amount of protection and extremely comfortable. Feels like wearing joggers. I'm looking at their Northcutt pant for those hunts I know I'm going to be seeing a lot of nasty briars. I'm just trying to swallow the price tag...

I do have two pairs of cheap wrangler pants that I always keep available. But they didn't get a single wear last season. Between the 3 pants mentioned above, I rotated them as needed and don't expect to have to replace any of them this season...For reference I had about 70 days in the field (probably 30 with FL / 30 with Pyke and 10 with corrugate)

I know you said you don't like the sawbuck, but I've tried almost every upland pant and I do think they are the best. From a fit perspective the Pyke will not be any trimmer. Honestly I would rather have the technical aspects of those pants and pay $20 to a tailor and trim them up...rather than get a slimmer cut wrangler pant that doesn't have any of the technical aspects.
I've liked my Filson shelter cloth pants for Kansas pheasant and quail. Only complaint is the waist runs way small.
No way I’d ever wear upland pants. They’d drive me crazy the way they fit. I personally like chaps as a better option. Get Mules, best ones out there
I've always just worn my Carhartts since they serve double duty (work and play) but they are really hot in the early season. Great thread tho - will have to check out some of the pants listed.
30 years ago LL Bean used to make the best small game pants I ever found. Wore them for everything from birds to deer hunting. Still wearing my uncles. 6 or 7 years ago I bought a different pair of small game pants from them, that I wear most of the time when its cold out. Wish I had bought two pair when they were still available. I don't think they offer anything right now. I recently found a pair of Browning pants I forgot I had and never wore. They are pretty comfortable, so I will be wearing them quite a bit this year.
Fjallraven vidda pro are pretty great for brush and stickers, double layer G1000 knees and below on the front and seat. No vents or stretch fabric like the Keb pants, but still fine for temps anywhere under about 60-65 deg
I bought a pair from Gander Mtn when they went under awhile back that I like alot. I use them with a pair of suspenders. If's it's colder or more brush busting required, I use filson tin cloth chaps.
The Duluth firehose cool max pants are my favorite. They have the right amount of stretch and are pretty durable.

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No way I’d ever wear upland pants. They’d drive me crazy the way they fit. I personally like chaps as a better option. Get Mules, best ones out there
I have the Mules brand upland pants. They are great for protection and hold up very well. Only minor complaint is they are super loud. It's not like I am trying to sneak through the woods, but they are loud to the point of being distracting.
When I used to guide, the wrangler brush pants held up really well. If you want to get fancy the pants from Kevin’s in Tallahassee are nice too
I've always had good luck with a twill fabric pants material with facing on the front legs with a high count cordura fabric nylon facing on the front part of the pants. Here in TN we have a lot of blackberry bushes that will shred normal pants. I like having pants that provide extra protection to be able to walk through the rough stuff without tearing up my legs going through it.
I hunt thick stuff pretty hard. Saw briars, plum thickets, and cattails.
Filson pants are 11 years old but hot
LLbean makes a great light weight pair 3 years old
Cabelas has a new upland pant that’s technical. So far I really like them but only one year on them.
I hunt in some pretty thick stuff, and I ordered the Firstlite Sawbucks, when I got them I was disappointed. I was confident they would never last. I was wrong they are comfortable and tough.

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I used the sitka grinder pants and the sitka hangar work pants (now discontinued) last year and both pairs worked great. The hanger pant was near perfect, wish they wouldn't have discontinued them. The grinders are slightly less durable but were plenty warm from october through february and shed dew and water well.
I use the Badlands Huron pants since as people mentioned before stuff seems to get torn up walking thru rough stuff or if you're that guy who doesn't lift his leg high enough over the barbed-wire fence.... Used them a lot with no issues but if anything happens they have the warranty since I know they'll get abused
Field & Stream makes a Guide Series Brush Pant that I’ve worn for grouse in the choke cherries and timber cuts of PA and in KS CRP fields for pheasants and quail.

Also used them in the same PA thickets for driving bear.

They are less than $60 and they are darn near bulletproof and the fit is fantastic for a vertically challenged male. 🤷‍♂️
Dickies 874 with Dan’s chaps, go to combo. This year I got some pyke Kiowa pants, we will see, I hear good thing, the fit nice, haven’t used em yet, but, soon I will put them through the wringer.