What type of shotgun for upland birds?

Anyone hunt upland suppressed? No one makes anything but a 12ga screw on type. would be great for waterfowl in a blind but crazy long to walk with. Seems the only option is pump and semi integrals.

My hearing and the dog's in mind.
Ive never heard of anyone (who wasnt selling something) hunting upland birds with a suppressed shotgun of any kind. If it exists theres a lot of reasons not to, gun handling and size being chief among them. My impression is that shotgun suppressors have a LOOONG way to go until people start building guns to facilitate using a suppressor. If things have progressed more than that and Im not aware, Id love to hear more.
Seems silly to me, my dog likes the shots makes him happy.
But there's a reason middle aged bid dogs are completely deaf.
I'm more concerned about the dog than me. I can put ear pro on, although it'd be really nice to not need to.

Ive never heard of anyone (who wasnt selling something) hunting upland birds with a suppressed shotgun of any kind. If it exists theres a lot of reasons not to, gun handling and size being chief among them. My impression is that shotgun suppressors have a LOOONG way to go until people start building guns to facilitate using a suppressor. If things have progressed more than that and Im not aware, Id love to hear more.
Ya it seems an integral would be the only way to go because of length, but the added weight and the handling seem like it'd not be great.
This is true, hearing loss in hunting dogs is a real thing. Also one more reason my wife always said the dog and I were related. 😁
If the suppressor is of a greater diameter than than the barrel/rib, it will possibly take getting used to out on the end of the barrel. I never used a Cutts Compensator choke on a shotgun, but they were fairly fat...called a corncob by some, but awesome skeet score were shot with them.

However even Poly chokes on a non-ribbed barrel make a shotgun shoot low for me. I am not aiming the shotgun, rather looking at the wild bird or clay target, but the sub-conscious obviously takes the end of the barrel into account, at least in my case.
I’m not the most die-hard upland guy (although I’d like to be because I love it to death) but the few times a year I go, I always end up with my 870 in the end. I love double guns, but I’ve put so much time into my 870s over the years through hunting and law enforcement, that they just feel like home to me every time I grab one. At this point, I can’t see myself using anything else.

Now I just need to find one in .410 for all the grouse running around in the woods here. I’m afraid if I do, I’ll be grouse hunting nonstop lol.