Favorite upland pants?

I wore jeans and cheap chap pants for years. The sawbucks were a serious upgrade. I think you’ll be happy with your purchase.
I don’t go super technical clothing. I mean a pair of carharts will do. But I do really like Kuhl.
I use my Kuhl Resistor pants for almost all my upland hunting. Really like how they feel, the durability, and the price tag (got em on sale).

I use my Kuhl Resistor pants for almost all my upland hunting. Really like how they feel, the durability, and the price tag (got em on sale).

So, would you say they're dad pants, rad?

I'm a fan of gaiters+wrangler atg wrangler outdoors or my duluth trading pants (can't remember, not firehouse, not dotf, but in between those)
So, would you say they're dad pants, rad?

I'm a fan of gaiters+wrangler atg wrangler outdoors or my duluth trading pants (can't remember, not firehouse, not dotf, but in between those)
So, would you say they're dad pants, rad?

I'm a fan of gaiters+wrangler atg wrangler outdoors or my duluth trading pants (can't remember, not firehouse, not dotf, but in between those)
You know it! Nothing accompanies my New Balance tennis shoes better…except of course a nice set of jean shorts.

Got some sawbucks last year and they were ok but provided little to no wind, water, or cold protection. I expected a little more for $150.
I tried the Sawbucks and for me the fit on them was terrible. Too baggy in the legs and about 3- 4" longer than advertised . I traded them for the Orvis Missouri Breaks pants and love them. I also really like the Eddie Bauer Guide Pro Work pants, but the double layer doesn't go all the way down the leg so they aren't as durable. Still a nice pant for the money if hunting more grassy terrain or if paired with gaiters or chaps.
I think your Sitka mountain pants should do fine. I have a couple pair and they’re one of my favorites. I took a pair of the Sitka accent paints to Mexico this year and busted through a lot of brush with them. The fabric is so light weight I thought for sure they‘d be shredded but they worked out great. So from personal experience I could also recommend these. The pheasant hunting I’ve done has been in corn, and wheat fields and on the edges of rice, beet and grape vineyards where the weeds are pretty thick and usually wet in the mornings, you my want to throw in a pair of gaiters to keep your paints from wetting out below the knees.
Ive been trying to wear out a pair of 2005 filson double tins since they were new.

If it's hot, I wear my favorite at the time pants and add filson chaps.
Filson chaps with any pant. Didn’t wear them once and caught my Kuiu Axis pants on some barb wire 😔
I just piked up a pair of the Pyke Gear Tongass pants. They sure feel good, but I haven't had a chance to try them out in the field yet.