Favorite Healthy Recipes


Dec 30, 2018
North Georgia
Pretty straight forward.... I'm trying to make a change on the way I eat this year along with my fitness regime. I'm not a chef by any means but I'm somewhat decent in the kitchen. Drop your favorite recipes or even recipe books. Doesnt have to be wild game either. Thanks everyone!
Pretty straight forward.... I'm trying to make a change on the way I eat this year along with my fitness regime. I'm not a chef by any means but I'm somewhat decent in the kitchen. Drop your favorite recipes or even recipe books. Doesnt have to be wild game either. Thanks everyone!

Key here is to mix up seasonings you use. Meat church has good ones, traeger, rec tec, and Adkins to name a few.

Protein and vegetables/potatoes/rice. Biggest thing to mix ups is in seasoning and how you cook (bake, grill, pan fry, smoke, etc). #1 is always prioritize protein. Sometimes I’ll just put protein in a bowl with maybe some cheese. Or put the protein with some salad and dressing. My wife and I eat very simple and don’t get bored doing this. Been eating this way for over 10 years (1-1.5g per # for protein spread evenly amongst times I eat).

If you are a pasta person look at chickpea pasta as it’s high protein. Another quick on the go is yogurt ratio protein yogurt or oikos pro. I eat at least two a day which is 40-50g of protein.
Tonight's evening meal was a wagyu hybrid ribeye with salt, lots of black pepper, and some granulated roasted garlic that was air fried at 425 for 10 minutes, then chucked into a ripping hot cast iron skilled for a few minutes on each side. Used smoked bone marrow for the cooking fat.

Healthy and did not disappoint in the flavor department.
Couple eggs, over easy, on a bed of mixed baby greens with a couple lashes of hot sauce. The runny yolks and hot sauce are like a dressing for the salad greens.
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I usually make my lunches for the work week on Sunday. It's pretty easy and quick. Ground elk, rice, black or pinto beans. Sometimes I dice up Serrano peppers and red onions to go on top. Sometimes I make homemade Mexican rice. Sometimes I use elk steak to make chile colorado. Just depends on what I want.

Chicken thighs are underrated too. But mainly it's elk for me.

Portion it out for the cals/macros you want/need.
Two cookbook recommendations for you:

The Mediterranean diet has been shown consistently to be one of the healthiest (and in my opinion most delicious) diets. This is one of the best Mediterranean cookbooks I've come across, everything I've made has been delicious: Link

That being said, many of the recipes in the above cookbook, while delicious, are not necessarily simple, quick, or with easily obtained ingredients. I do a lot of meal prep as I have long shifts meaning I'm packing multiple meals every day. This is my go to cookbook for simple recipes that keep well over a week and are easy to make in larger quantities: Link
How are you eating now? This time of the year, I am in the gym and the biggest thing for me is getting a couple hundred grams a of protein per day, and staying away from ultra processed foods and empty sugar. After a month of eating like that I stop craving crap food and I am happy with simple meats, fruits, and veggies. Today I cubed a couple of blade roasts, salted them and seasoned them with paprika. Slow roasted the meat with a quart of water and a packet of brown gravy for four hours then added onions and cooked it for another two hours. It was so good. However, in the summer, I do endurance stuff so my sugar intake skyrockets because I need carbs. If I do a ten hour bike ride I consume upwards of 4,000 calories of pure sugar during the ride (gels, gummies, and drink mix) and my glycogen stores are depleted at the end of the day so I am eating pasta for dinner. After a ride like that, If I ate a steak and salad for dinner, I would not have energy the next day. During the summer breakfast might be toast, an egg, an avocado, and some oatmeal. In the winter breakfast might be three or four eggs and three or four pieces of bacon. Year around protein shakes are a great way for me to supplement my diet - couple scoops of powder, some fruit, chia seeds, maybe some almond butter, spinach, or a raw egg. I know this doesn’t really answer your question, but I think what makes a recipe “healthy” change based on your bodies needs.
I like stews, minestrone style soups and chili in a hot pot.

Brown chunks of moose, elk, deer or wild hog in a fry pan. Toss in the hotpot with a little onion garlic olive oil, and seasoning cook under pressure for 15 min.

Then add whatever beans and veggies you like, bone broth, diced tomatoes cook under pressure another 15 minutes- literally hundreds of variations.
For simple options:
Breakfast: Oatmeal w/ fresh fruit and cashews
Lunch: Grilled chicken wrap & fresh vegetables
Snack: Apples & PB or yogurt & mixed nuts
Dinner: Anything that isn’t fried

One of my favorites can be made with tenderloin from any usual animal (cow, deer, elk, pig, etc) and is a healthy choice that preps in less than 30 minutes:

Cube into 1-1.5” pieces
Soak in marinade while the grill heats to 450-500
Put 6-8 pieces on skewer, cooks in 6-10 minutes
Serve with:
- Grilled asparagus tossed in oil/salt/pepper
- Toasted/warm fresh bread or wild rice

2 minute marinade:
1 tbsp Montreal Steak Seasoning
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1.5 tbsp olive oil or alternative oil of choice
1 tbsp of dry red wine (beef/deer/elk)
1 tbsp of apple juice (pork)*

*pay extra attention on temps with apple juice, the sugar content will burn at edges above 450, rotate meat more frequently
What's the goal?

All my recipes are the opposite of whatever your doctor wants, and that's the way I like it ...
4 ingredients below followed by key instruction.

1 buy airline ticket online.

2 leave country and experience what real food is, and what normal people look like when they eat it, no matter how much.

3 Return home, immediately see the obesity as soon as you land.

4 Anything in a box, bag, is not your friend.

5 understand the food in the US is shit and you’re battling an uphill slope Every day all day.

Good Luck.
Not easy, but try keeping it as simple as eat only what is caught, killed, or grown.
Also agree with Jn78 above, after a month of staying away from the processed crap, you quit craving it. ( realize this isn't helping OP with recipes)

Please excuse the hipster camping website. I make this stew every couple weeks and the family loves it. Most of the time I add ground elk or venison, some times not. I usually double the recipe for leftovers. Plenty of great stew/chili recipe's out there that are easy and healthy.
4 ingredients below followed by key instruction.

1 buy airline ticket online.

2 leave country and experience what real food is, and what normal people look like when they eat it, no matter how much.

3 Return home, immediately see the obesity as soon as you land.

4 Anything in a box, bag, is not your friend.

5 understand the food in the US is shit and you’re battling an uphill slope Every day all day.

Good Luck.
They make a shot for fat people now that are too lazy to exercise…
I've got a handful of seasoning recipes for ground venison; Tex Mex for tacos obviously, Asian, Italian, Cajun, Greek, make up your own. I keep that seasoned/browned meat handy for a topper on brown rice, baked potatoes, scrambled eggs, french bread roll, homemade pizza etc. I'll add veggies to the meat depending on what we've got or is in season in the garden but I focus on the 1-1.5 gm of protein per lb body weight and keep the other macros "healthy".

I didn't plan it but my ground meat meals are similar to Stan Efferding's Monster Mash.

Please excuse the hipster camping website. I make this stew every couple weeks and the family loves it. Most of the time I add ground elk or venison, some times not. I usually double the recipe for leftovers. Plenty of great stew/chili recipe's out there that are easy and healthy.
I've made this a few times now, it's a winner. With or without meat. Thanks for sharing
Couple eggs, over easy, on a bed of mixed baby greens with a couple lashes of hot sauce. The runny yolks and hot sauce are like a dressing for the salad greens.

I take a fat dollop of plain Greek yogurt and add a swirl of olive oil. Spread this on a plate, add avocado or tomatoes , arugula and over easy eggs. Good stuff.
I brine a flat or two of boneless, skinless chicken thighs once a week. Simple brine, 6-8 hours. Marinate some if you’d like, cook on grill. Adjust amount based on the number you’re feeding and that’s a decent tasting, reasonably healthy source of protein for the weeks lunches.