How are you eating now? This time of the year, I am in the gym and the biggest thing for me is getting a couple hundred grams a of protein per day, and staying away from ultra processed foods and empty sugar. After a month of eating like that I stop craving crap food and I am happy with simple meats, fruits, and veggies. Today I cubed a couple of blade roasts, salted them and seasoned them with paprika. Slow roasted the meat with a quart of water and a packet of brown gravy for four hours then added onions and cooked it for another two hours. It was so good. However, in the summer, I do endurance stuff so my sugar intake skyrockets because I need carbs. If I do a ten hour bike ride I consume upwards of 4,000 calories of pure sugar during the ride (gels, gummies, and drink mix) and my glycogen stores are depleted at the end of the day so I am eating pasta for dinner. After a ride like that, If I ate a steak and salad for dinner, I would not have energy the next day. During the summer breakfast might be toast, an egg, an avocado, and some oatmeal. In the winter breakfast might be three or four eggs and three or four pieces of bacon. Year around protein shakes are a great way for me to supplement my diet - couple scoops of powder, some fruit, chia seeds, maybe some almond butter, spinach, or a raw egg. I know this doesn’t really answer your question, but I think what makes a recipe “healthy” change based on your bodies needs.