This weekend was rough. I indulged way too much. I was at 225 before my shower after the gym on Saturday, but by Sunday evening I was around 230.
I was hoping a big poo would save my week, but no luck...
I'm hesitant to worry about the day to day or hour to hour weight trend, as I know that quart of water in the morning is 2 lb. and a sweat soaked shirt can be over a pound.
My daddy didn't raise a quitter so even though I know its empty calories I'm not going to quit drinking. BUT I'm trying to manage it. For those of you that did quit drinking... salute.
I didn't weigh myself at they gym this morning, I'm weak I know it, and I didn't want to see the number. I'll do cardio tomorrow morning and check back in.
Thanks all for the accountability
Don’t sweat weight fluctuations. I still have to fight the urge to worry about what the scale says. I go by how my pants fit and my energy level. If I pay more attention to those things, the number on the scale magically goes down.
And, yes, cutting back the beverages is tough but small changes will add up.
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