3/4 - 242
4/1 - 230
4/8 - 229
The needle is still moving in the right direction. No missed workouts last week, and I even managed to sneak in a mid-week hike after work on Wednesday. My appetite has been high lately, so keeping my food intake in check has been tough. I need to do some more food prep so I have a few small meals ready throughout the day when I get hungry instead of reaching for some garbage from the gas station.
For lunch/day snacks I take foil packs of tuna/salmon and mix in a little pure honey, avocado's and frozen blueberries...all that stuff has zero clean up issues...….Going to get an ammo can set up with a small stove and some cooking gear and start taking some hot food to eat. You can wrap stuff in food grade parchment paper and then alum foil so you can cook it/eat it with minimal clean up.
I have been 202-205# the past few days and moved up in weight on my dumbbell flat and incline benches and dips my last chest workout. Working toward a few pounds under bodyweight flat dumbbell presses (combined pair weight) by end of the summer at 64 years of age.
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