Exo Mountain K4?

I like having the option for the horseshoe zipper on some packs but not others. Personally, I have my larger Terminus pack for all long duration trips when I’m trying to cut every ounce I can. But when I’m not as concerned about shaving ounces, or would like to haul full quarters, I’ll be picking up the K4 with the horseshoe. I really enjoy the ease of access to the pack it provides.
A little off topic but i appreciate Exo pushing less is more on pack size. In a day when most companies and influencer hunters are using 7000 - 8000 ci packs, Steve just showed us how to pack 10 days days in a 3200.
As I get older it’s nice to keep weight off belly and weight off pack.

Now I get it is you are packing camera gear and a pack raft etc, but most guys are using light weight gear and packing minimal.
I see what you're saying but also highly dependent on your meat packing preferences... If you're a meat shelf person right on. If not, squeezing a load of deboned elk/deer meat into a bag that size with some gear is no fun in my experience.
^^Which is why a meat-shelf combined with a smaller bag is such a great design!

I learned I do not like excess bag while hunting. Went to a Kifaru Nomad II and then Strykers and knew I found the style that works for me. I am solidly in the K4 3200 camp. Not really right or wrong either way, just preference.
It is simply amazing to me that a company is willing to listen to everyone's questions, gripes, concerns, comments, etc, and answer them in a timely and positive manner.
If I was Steve, I would be drinking by 0800.........

Thank you Exo.

Couldn't agree more. I don't run a EXO, and am very happy with my current system but really impressed by EXO, the roll out of K4, and the thought/amount of work that went into the design of these pack/frame combos. Congrats to them it's going to be a huge success. Other pack manufactures are going to have to step their game up.
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Couldn't agree more. I don't run a EXO, and am currently very happy with my current system but really impressed by EXO, the roll out of K4, and the thought/amount of work that went into the design of these pack/frame combos. Congrats to them it's going to be a huge success. Other pack

manufactures are going to have to step their game up.

I'm very confident that I will love this pack, and I'm a pack snob. But even if I don't, I'm glad to support a stand up company like EXO. I respect their principals, and the fact that they never bash other companies.

All stand up guys. And I believe Steve puts exponentially more time and energy into this, than any other pack maker.
I'm very confident that I will love this pack, and I'm a pack snob. But even if I don't, I'm glad to support a stand up company like EXO. I respect their principals, and the fact that they never bash other companies.

All stand up guys. And I believe Steve puts exponentially more time and energy into this, than any other pack maker.
100% agree!
Well, we will be adding 2 k4’s to the family. We’ve been running exo’s since the beginning. Currently have 2 k2’s and 2 k3’s and lots of bags. Probably won’t get rid of any of them. But we’ve fought slippage when heavy to the point ive Considered trying others packs but Steve and the exo group has been really good to us over the years. Ended up checking them out at the pdx expo and placed 2 pre orders for the 5k’s. Other then being in the no ass camp which causes problems (probably with any pack) I’ve been incredibly happy over the years.
Well, we will be adding 2 k4’s to the family. We’ve been running exo’s since the beginning. Currently have 2 k2’s and 2 k3’s and lots of bags. Probably won’t get rid of any of them. But we’ve fought slippage when heavy to the point ive Considered trying others packs but Steve and the exo group has been really good to us over the years. Ended up checking them out at the pdx expo and placed 2 pre orders for the 5k’s. Other then being in the no ass camp which causes problems (probably with any pack) I’ve been incredibly happy over the years.
I weathered Portland this morning and got one pre ordered… really didn’t want to go to pdx or deal with the crowds in the show, but it wasn’t terrible, and I wanted to make sure I had one before spring bear rolls around. First time at the show in 10 years. The people clog is not my idea of a good time, but I’m glad I went

I timed it with nobody at the booth when I made it over there.