Exo Mountain K4?

I will say, I have never anticipated a pack like I’m anticipating the k4.

I think a lot of that comes from experience with them and their gear and comparing them and their gear with other pack companies.

I give exo a lot of props for being the company they are, not trying to blow up into a huge company (they easily could if that was the goal) and releasing incremental improvements rather than just something different to increase sales.

They don’t give every influencer a pack to shill, they don’t spend a ton of money on advertising, and they have been completely consistent their whole existence (a product of staying small)

I’m excited about this pack being released, and I’m hoping it’s before spring hunts, not because I need it, I’m just not very patient in this context 😉

Appreciate all of the info shared in this thread, even though reading made me antsy to get one
Wow! I was just looking at getting a K3 pack, but since I found this thread. I am going to wait until the K4 comes out! I think there is going to be a lot of people trying to off load there K3 packs to pay for a new K4. 😆😆
Looking for some input from those who have tested this pack/frame and a Kifaru duplex. Currently have the duplex and love the frame, but always open to a lighter option.
I have two K3 packs. I haven't tried a kifaru yet but man the geometry with the frame and my build is excellent. the only gripe i have is maybe some molle webbing and smaller pouches for certain things but that's being nit picky. and btw i mean two bags. the 6400 and the 4800.
The beauty of EXO is you can use a big bag for any hunt, with minimal downside. I’m pretty excited to see the k4, I will be ordering one as soon as they are released.

I also have a ton of respect for how the company operates, and their desire to stay relatively small, that’s a big deal for the consumer for many reasons.

I also would like to stick to one pack system all year, currently use 3 with regularity, but it gets confusing to keep everything straight, and forgetting something from another pack is not uncommon… it would be nice to have one pack, and things only taken out of or added to for different hunts.

Have tried every pack system that interests me, and seem to always circle back to EXO, and from what I have seen, the k4 is going to be legit
This is me to a T. Have used them all and always come right back to exo. The K4 seems like it is going to check even more boxes. Really curious to see the frame Since they went to carbon stay type of frame.
So looks to be like one of the new bag sizes is a 5000. The newest video the PNWild guys dropped shows some good shots of it.

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So, give me reasons why you’d rate the K4 (or think you will) over a comparably sized Stone Glacier. I have not worn either yet. Purpose would be 4-5 day backcountry hunts for elk or mule deer.
I have hunted with Kifaru, Mystery Ranch, Eberlestock, and Seek Outside. Edit: and currently have a Kuiu pro 3600.
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So, give me reasons why you’d rate the K4 (or think you will) over a comparably sized Stone Glacier. I have not worn either yet. Purpose would be 4-5 day backcountry hunts for elk or mule deer.
I have hunted with Kifaru, Mystery Ranch, Eberlestock, and Seek Outside. Edit: and currently have a Kuiu pro 3600.
Which one packs meat the best? I have a sawtooth 45 and love it until it comes to packing meat. It slips with heavy load. That's why I am thinking about the K4.
So, give me reasons why you’d rate the K4 (or think you will) over a comparably sized Stone Glacier. I have not worn either yet. Purpose would be 4-5 day backcountry hunts for elk or mule deer.
I have hunted with Kifaru, Mystery Ranch, Eberlestock, and Seek Outside. Edit: and currently have a Kuiu pro 3600.
Fit is everything. No pack is any better than anything else if it doesn't fit you.
Which one packs meat the best? I have a sawtooth 45 and love it until it comes to packing meat. It slips with heavy load. That's why I am thinking about the K4.
The Kifaru has been the best overall pack for me. Since I did not draw for a backcountry hunt this year I decided to sell my Kifaru and try others. No complaints with Kifaru though. The Stryker system is perfect for me. Can the load shelf be used if you also have a lid on the K3?

And to weiserbucks point, I agree fit is first and foremost. Short of ordering a few packs (cha ching…) fit is difficult to address.
Watched a video a few days ago, and the guy said he was using the k4 with a 7200 bag? Could be a little off on the size buy it was 7000+. Forget where I seen it but he went on to say yea it's big but he just cinches everything down when not full.
I believe the bag sizes will be 3600, 5000, and 7200. A 2000ush size bag may be added in the summer.

For me the 5000 looks like it had the most features, etc and will be a good “do it all” size for what I do.