Exo Mountain K4?

The 3600 and whatever the biggest version measured out to are both designed to be as light as possible. Think minimalist lower 48 hunter and ultra light 10-14 day Alaska type hunter as design parameters. The 5000 is the feature rich model for the hunter who isn't counting ounces. This was how Steve explained it when I was trying to get him to add some features to the bigger pack. Trust me when I say he's put a lot of thought into this. I'm excited for everyone else to get to see these.
do you know if the 5000 is the largest bag they will be releasing or will there be a 6400 ish as well?
It doesn’t. But I’m not sure of the necessity of it honestly. I have the K3 4800 that has the horseshoe zipper, and don’t use it in any special way compared to my K2 3400 or K4 3600 that don’t have it. I will absolutely be buying the 5000 bag once it is released though! I tested the 3600 by choice this year because I didn’t have any winter time pack-in hunts and felt I could do all hunts this year out of the 3600. It was perfect. But the 5000 will be just right when carrying the Tipi and stove and extra warm weather layers for late October and November hunts!
I as well used the 4800 this year and was indifferent with the horseshoe zipper. I preferer one long straight zip like the 3200 or 6400.
I saw someone mention something about getting jacked up by the belt and frame when packing meat in the k3.

I've only packed 1 elk in my k3. Packed a raghorn (bone in) and some gear in just 2 trips. I figured any pack would have jacked me up with the weight and distance I did those two trips in.

But is the k4 that much better at handling heavy weight comfortably?

I'm not supposed to be getting any more gear for a few years....
My Stone Glacier R3 frame is rock solid with a heavy load, much more so than the K3 in my opinion. It sounds like they’ve incorporated some of the same design benefits of the SG so I’m looking forward to hearing what people think about the K4

I did use the K3 on a few hunts out west and for whitetail and liked the bag layout and overall comfort with regular weight.
I use the heck out of the horseshoe zip on my 4800 but really don’t put much in the stretch pocket. It’s interesting how differently people will use the same features, has to make pack design so fun! I’ve really liked my k3 and am excited to see a finished k4 but my wife would kill me twice if I purchased another pack so soon
I use the heck out of the horseshoe zip on my 4800 but really don’t put much in the stretch pocket. It’s interesting how differently people will use the same features, has to make pack design so fun! I’ve really liked my k3 and am excited to see a finished k4 but my wife would kill me twice if I purchased another pack so soon
Once you sell the k3 the upgrade difference is minimal.
Zippers really loose there appeal when you catch a $500 sleeping bag in one, tear it and have to tape up the hole because feathers are coming out.
A bag with no zippers at all is fine with me.
I think the many positives of zippers outweigh the negative of catching an expensive sleeping bag in one. I hate having to empty my bag or digging through it without being able to see to try and find something.
Sounds like there will be three sizes. I'm using one bigger than 5000 and really liking it even for day hunts.
The beauty of EXO is you can use a big bag for any hunt, with minimal downside. I’m pretty excited to see the k4, I will be ordering one as soon as they are released.

I also have a ton of respect for how the company operates, and their desire to stay relatively small, that’s a big deal for the consumer for many reasons.

I also would like to stick to one pack system all year, currently use 3 with regularity, but it gets confusing to keep everything straight, and forgetting something from another pack is not uncommon… it would be nice to have one pack, and things only taken out of or added to for different hunts.

Have tried every pack system that interests me, and seem to always circle back to EXO, and from what I have seen, the k4 is going to be legit
You'll be able to run a pistol and a cell pouch on one side if you wanted. The pistol would ride on the front Molle panel and we will eventually have a slim cell phone style pouch that you could run on the angled Molle panel near the back of the hipbelt.
Looking forward to getting my hands on these new packs.
The beauty of EXO is you can use a big bag for any hunt, with minimal downside. I’m pretty excited to see the k4, I will be ordering one as soon as they are released.

I also have a ton of respect for how the company operates, and their desire to stay relatively small, that’s a big deal for the consumer for many reasons.

I also would like to stick to one pack system all year, currently use 3 with regularity, but it gets confusing to keep everything straight, and forgetting something from another pack is not uncommon… it would be nice to have one pack, and things only taken out of or added to for different hunts.

Have tried every pack system that interests me, and seem to always circle back to EXO, and from what I have seen, the k4 is going to be legit
completely agree. really hoping the K4 frame is as good as I think it will be. If it is, I can sell all of my kifaru packs