Exo Mountain K4?

Shax2lex that just hurts to look at man. Makes me glad for switching to a saddle system and one sticking to top it off. Platform slides between the bag and frame, saddle tossed in the bag if not worn in, and stick strapped to the side. Nice and compact. Also I agree with you that while the K4 was not designed for the white tail hunter it’s definitely been an awesome upgrade to have. I don’t go in the woods without it.
I think my frame is one size too short, and my shoulder isn’t great. Between those two I can’t reach the release on the rifle carrier.
After plenty of use this season I've decided that the rifle carrier is a fail. I can't reach the buckle to release the rifle no matter what I try. It seems like a complete afterthought for EXO after knocking it out of the park with the K4.

I wonder what they were saying around the design table when discussing the rifle carrier? "Let's make something that is difficult to reach and let's definitely put the retention buckle in a perfect place to scratch the piss out of everyone's guns." Love the pack but I'm hoping for a re-design of the rifle carrier in the very near future. I might be a retard but it's hard to believe that this is anyone's idea of the best product available. 20231024_113449.jpg
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Hey @WeiserBucks. First, let me say that if you prefer a different style of rifle carrier (such as forward carry), then that's great, and there are a LOT of rifle carry options/accessories that work well on our K4 packs.

Our priority with the K4 Rifle Carrier was to have ultimate stability and security first, then offer a level of quick-access. We tested a lot of other options/designs that did offer somewhat easier access, but they failed to hold the rifle as secure and stable as we wanted. When hiking around in the mountains, the last thing we want is instability/insecurity of the rifle.

In terms of reaching the release buckle, there are multiple factors — your build, your mobility, and even the fit/adjustment of your pack (including the frame height). If you want to send over photos of you wearing the loaded pack with your rifle attached, I'd be glad to just do a double-check and make sure there isn't a setup/fitting adjustment that may help you out. Feel free to send those photos to [email protected]

(Edited to also say, congrats on the STUD buck!)
Hey @WeiserBucks. First, let me say that if you prefer a different style of rifle carrier (such as forward carry), then that's great, and there are a LOT of rifle carry options/accessories that work well on our K4 packs.

Our priority with the K4 Rifle Carrier was to have ultimate stability and security first, then offer a level of quick-access. We tested a lot of other options/designs that did offer somewhat easier access, but they failed to hold the rifle as secure and stable as we wanted. When hiking around in the mountains, the last thing we want is instability/insecurity of the rifle.

In terms of reaching the release buckle, there are multiple factors — your build, your mobility, and even the fit/adjustment of your pack (including the frame height). If you want to send over photos of you wearing the loaded pack with your rifle attached, I'd be glad to just do a double-check and make sure there isn't a setup/fitting adjustment that may help you out. Feel free to send those photos to [email protected]

(Edited to also say, congrats on the STUD buck!)
I prefer the position of your K4 carrier vs forward or others. I've adjusted the carrier until I was blue in the face more than once and I can't reach the buckle. If security was the primary design criteria then you've nailed that aspect 100%. I'll be in touch once I get home from the hunt I'm on now and we'll see about getting my frustrations sorted out. Thank you for the response and offer for assistance.
I fully agree. The latest kuiu carrier is money. If your pack isnt full the exo carrier isn't stable. Great pack in all other areas though.
Add me to the camp that doesn't love the rifle carrier. I haven't found anything else to complain about on the K4 pack system but I don't love the rifle carrier. I can reach it just fine but I have to either have the upper strap on my barrel, which isn't as stable, or have it set higher than I want. It's also not nearly as stable for me when the pack is empty. I could live with all of that but the focus on security went too far for me. I don't love that I have to take off the pack to put it back in. On the flip side, it is nice that I don't have to remove the rifle to set the pack down but I find myself needing to put it back in place more than set the pack down with rifle loaded. The bottom bucket is also super tight on my stock, which I didn't expect. It's tough to get in and tough to get out, especially with gloves on. I've watched the videos and mine doesn't come out like the videos show. I pretty much have to reach down and pull the bottom bucket off the stock to fully free the rifle. I really don't like the elastic in the bottom bucket.

On the positive side, the design really doesn't put weight on the hip like others I've used and it's much more comfortable. I need to play around with it a bit more to see if I can make it work somehow as it's the best design I've seen for handling the load of the rifle.

I know Exo didn't design this to prioritize quick access, which some people will prefer more than others. I just feel like there is a balance somewhere in between quick access and security that would work better for most guys.

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Forward carry using the Kifaru upper worked really well last week. It’s just what I’ve gotten used to and like. But once the hunt was over I was glad to have an easy out of the way solution. To convert back to pack carry I just undid the strap that I had through the forward molle panel on the hip belt and rotated the whole thing around and installed the loose strap to the bottom of the bag as intended.

I’ll put my 2 cents in on the rifle carry conversation. Had the slik sling, way too much weight on the hip. Tried the exo, just wasn’t a fan of the elastic bucket or the potential of scraping the stock. Ended up with the FHF sling/carrier. So far, it’s one of my favorite pieces of new gear (along with the K4) of the year. Has the ability to quick release and attach with the pack on, and if you want a very stable attachment you can buckle it at the bottom and won’t even notice that it’s there and still have the ability to quick release. I also like having a sling just in case I drop the pack and carry the gun. Overall, big fan of the FHF.
I’ll put my 2 cents in on the rifle carry conversation. Had the slik sling, way too much weight on the hip. Tried the exo, just wasn’t a fan of the elastic bucket or the potential of scraping the stock. Ended up with the FHF sling/carrier. So far, it’s one of my favorite pieces of new gear (along with the K4) of the year. Has the ability to quick release and attach with the pack on, and if you want a very stable attachment you can buckle it at the bottom and won’t even notice that it’s there and still have the ability to quick release. I also like having a sling just in case I drop the pack and carry the gun. Overall, big fan of the FHF.
Would you mind posting some photos of how the lower section of the FHF attaches to the new k4 frame? I guess I'm mostly interested in the angle, since it seems easy enough to attach to the molle webbing. I just want to see the angle using the back webbing with the plastic in the Exo belt. I'm thinking this might be a solid option for me.
Would you mind posting some photos of how the lower section of the FHF attaches to the new k4 frame? I guess I'm mostly interested in the angle, since it seems easy enough to attach to the molle webbing. I just want to see the angle using the back webbing with the plastic in the Exo belt. I'm thinking this might be a solid option for me.
I too use an Exo pack with the FHF sling. It’s nice but I haven’t found the best way to use it.
So I’ll be following this thread to see what others have figured out!
My wife was with me. I would have her unclip the top buckle :ROFLMAO:. Yet another solution!

I do have a taller frame on the way as I definitely chose one too short. The lower frame moves the upper buckle lower and makes it even harder to reach. I also just attached a Kifaru upper and retained the K4 lower. That seems to be solid. It also leaves the option of securing the rifle to the pack using the K4 upper when covering ground and not hunting.

Regarding frame size, I would prefer a reference to back size (C7 to Iliac Crest) than a reference to height as a starting point. My height is only loosely related to what pack fits. In my case, much shorter inseam, relatively longer upper body. In retrospect should have known to go with a longer frame. I really dislike frames that stick up and catch on branches so I chose the shorter pf those recommended for my height. Bad choice. Turns out my load lifters are level at best.
Regarding the EXO rifle carrier, in my opinion, trying to use one item for two totally different purposes/intents, is not a viable option currently. EXO has not made a workable option nor has anyone else.

My takeaway from the time I have spent with my K4 and the rifle carrier is this; it was designed to be a "SECURED CARRIER" of the rifle. They did a good job of enabling that to be accomplished. The elastic buttstock pouch is indeed restrictive on wider stocks. Having two sizes would be nice or do away with the elastic all together and build it with an adjustable strap to accommodate varying sizes of stocks. Kuiu's design though not significantly adjustable either does make it easier to place the stock into it. Granted Kuiu's does come at a little bit of a weight penalty compared to the EXO but I am being picky..

The upper barrel attachment on the EXO in my opinion is the weakest link. I said it when it came out and it still holds true today, that buckle is poorly placed and really does a number on your stock/barrel. I understand the reason there is a buckle as they are trying to kill two birds with one stone here, 1) secure carry & 2) quick release. It isn't ideal.

My recommendation would be to create two carriers that can both utilize the same stock holder. The upper barrel/forend attachments would be the only two things that differ between the two. Make one for secure carry. This would be intended for the hunter who is not concerned about quick release access but more concerned about secure attachment to help get him from point A to B.

The second option would be a "forward carry" upper that allows those that want the quick release/access option, all while still utilizing the same stock bottom carrier. Have two upper carry options would solve all of the issues (with some redesign of the buckle currently) and would end up weighing ounces. Many may likely purchase both upper options and have both mounted on their packs. Just my .02.

The EXO K4 is a homerun for sure. The rifle carrier needs some rethinking.
Of you are worried about it scratching your rifle but not worried about quick deployment.
Which I am not because I'm about as flexible as a 2x4
Just ditch the upper part and secure it with the regular back pack strap.

I tried the gun bearer last year on a seek pack and essentially hated it.
Quick deployment was about its only benefit.
Everyone wanted a rifle carrier designed by Exo, now that they have it they cannot stop complaining.

To the complainers, it is webbing and buckle, stop complaining and solve your problems as it is pretty simple to hand sew such things.

My answer is a cross chest tactical style sling of my own making with connection point I installed on the stock myself. So, I'm only giving you the advice I followed. It is not perfect, but for my preferences beats the snot out of the Kifaru gunbearer. I think most here would not like it though.
Everyone wanted a rifle carrier designed by Exo, now that they have it they cannot stop complaining.

To the complainers, it is webbing and buckle, stop complaining and solve your problems as it is pretty simple to hand sew such things.

My answer is a cross chest tactical style sling of my own making with connection point I installed on the stock myself. So, I'm only giving you the advice I followed. It is not perfect, but for my preferences beats the snot out of the Kifaru gunbearer. I think most here would not like it though.
Ohh come on you're exaggerating.

All we want is perfection, cheap, and now, and customizable to fit each individual needs, and fast, and light.

Geez is that really to much to ask 🤣
Would you mind posting some photos of how the lower section of the FHF attaches to the new k4 frame? I guess I'm mostly interested in the angle, since it seems easy enough to attach to the molle webbing. I just want to see the angle using the back webbing with the plastic in the Exo belt. I'm thinking this might be a solid option for me.
So the lower attaches to the webbing on the lower compression strap. It stays right next to the frame, never had any issue with it sliding out if that makes sense. I also like they there is a piece of webbing that goes on the inside of the fhf buckle so that it doesn’t rub on the stock.


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