Executive Gun Control Orders?

Jun 29, 2017
So much for the "I will govern for all Americans" promise. The 'for' must have been a mistake with "I will govern all Americans" being the correct version. A shameful end to a once bipartisan career. Guess he could not bring himself to step up and break with Whitehouse tradition.

If you ever believed Biden was the type of politician to keep promises, just consider this the most recent account of him fooling you. He's been a sleazy liar who blows in the political winds pretty much his entire career.


Sep 9, 2020
I can't find anything but reports on what these EOs might be. I'd like to read the actual text, since what news orginizations are reporting, he can't unilaterally do.
Jun 29, 2017
I agree, one law at a time they are attacking our 2nd amendment right, until they no longer exist. their ultimate goal. Of that there is no doubt.
The 2A was first crapped on in 1934, then Ronald Reagan picked it up and wiped his butt with it in 1986. the spirit of the 2A has been subdued for a long time and no politicians are fighting to "get back" what has already been taken, but are kind of trying to keep it from being further desecrated. Remember, the constitution just enumerates natural rights that exist--regardless of government--that the federal government is supposed to protect, not dictate which rights an individual "possesses."


Sep 9, 2020
So there's not really much going on there. Last two will likely have issues, but at the moment, since they haven't actually proposed any rules, not yet.

He's appointing an ATF director. Literally his job.

He's having the Justice department issue a report on firearms trafficking. He can very much ask an agency to make a report for him.

Throwing some money and resources at community based violence intervention.

Publishing model legislation for red flag laws that states could adopt. Notice, he's not enacting them, as he doesn't have the authority to do so.

Having the justice department clarify when a brace makes a pistol an SBR. I'm sure this will end up in court the same as the bump stock ban, and if the ATF tries to legislate again here, it'll fail. Depending on what they come up with, it very much might be outside his authority.

Same as the last one, but with owner produced firearms.


Aug 25, 2015
What I can't figure out for the life of me though, and have been harping on it for the past 4 years........is how any minorities allow the left to get away with calling minorities too stupid, lazy, or incompetent to be able to get and show a valid ID.
It's how they were raised and it's what everyone they come in contact or listen to say and that's they are victims. It's like trying to stop corruption in Latin Countries, which is virtually impossible.


Jun 22, 2020
Make it more challenging for another shooter like the kid in Boulder to do it again.

Prevent someone mentally unstable that has guns and a sinister plan BEFORE another mass shooting.

It’s all reactionary, and the manufacturers will find ways to get around the rules (as they always do). Either that or they won’t stick, being EO’s and not laws passed by Congress. I do believe reasonable measures can be passed to make America safer and not infringe on our rights. Most of the big mass shooting event involve legally purchased firearms.

The gangbangers killing each other in inner cities is sad, but would require sweeping / unreasonable reform to prevent.

I can't believe some of the things I'm seeing on this thread.....this is a hunting forum for crying out loud....we use guns!

If you think these laws being passed by EO will result in any reduction in crime or shootings you are absolutely kidding yourself. It will not make one bit of difference. If someone wants to do harm to themselves or someone else, they will find a way whether that is with a gun or not. A good family friend was with the FBI for 32 years, 2 family members are detectives....they all say gun laws don't work, period.

One thing you did say that was correct was "it's all reactionary". That's correct, these laws are being put in place because of reactions and pandering to their base, there is no solid science or facts behind it. I was one of the people who said months and months ago that once the pandemic was over we would see some "mass" shootings and then gun control would be talked about....well look at that. Mass shootings are a minuscule percentage of the gun violence in this country but it gets all the attention....ever read the statistics on Chicago?

Arms braces, ghost guns, etc, do you think the people doing the shooting are using these types of weapons?

If gun laws work so well how come the cities with the toughest laws have the highest incidence of shooting? How many people are killed in Chicago on an average week? Look it up, a few facts might be good for you. Do we ever hear about the daily shootings in these cities? Not really. Do we hear our leaders talk about the daily violence in Chicago, which has some of the toughest gun laws in the country? Let me guess, all these inner city people are using bump stocks, ghost guns, and arm braces for their pistols. GMAFB. Do you know what would help curb the gun violence? Putting criminals in jail!!! Not letting people get away with half the shit that goes on in this country. When you don't prosecute people for crimes, you know, like peaceful protests, it kind of sends a message doesn't it.

Let's talk slippery slope for a second. It's true that term has been used in the past and really hasn't come to fruition but the culture of our country right now is in a place where it has never been. Cancel culture, letting people riot (if your on the right side), everything being racist, severely divided country, lockdowns, misinformation on a grand scale, pandemic, joblessness, pushing agendas by outright lies, etc....the country is ripe for our rights to be eroded, and I believe that is part of a plan.

Oh, the part you said about unreasonable reform efforts to curb inner city violence. Think about your comment for a minute............................................... So, it's ok to not put forward any reforms because it's too tough and unreasonable if it involves a certain voting base in the inner cities that cause 70%+ of the gun violence but it's ok to put forth reforms if they don't actually do anything to curb gun violence and hurts mostly law abiding citizens...got it. Don't tackle the real problems because it might hurt peoples feelings.

I could go on but it doesn't matter, for most people the media will tell them what they need to know and what to think about it.

Oh, btw, how about if Biden sets an example about being tough on gun laws starting with his son!
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Oct 10, 2016
Fort Worth, TX
Did you see the post about combining this thread with the one about Trump attempting to use executive action to ban bump stocks? That´s obviously not a post in favor of Biden´s current actions, but it does highlight one of my favorite facts: Politicians on both sides are more than willing to **** you over.

¨Take the guns first, go through the due process second.¨ - Donald J. Trump, 2018.

I just don´t see the fundamental difference between Trump´s approach and Biden´s here. Maybe someone can point it out to me.

Until then Iḿ not a fan of either. And Iĺl continue to bash both of them.
Not familiar with the thread you referenced, but I'll say that Trump isn't/wasn't perfect and there were several things about him I didn't like. One of them being how he handled the bump stock fiasco. I'd never buy one personally, but "shall not be infringed" means just that, and I took note when that happened.


Oct 10, 2016
Fort Worth, TX
I would like to see Trumps comment in full text.
the comment " take the guns first" was that taken out of context in reference to mentally ill or people in general. The big difference between Libs. and conservatives is, some conservatives are in favor of common sense gun laws, Libs. ultimate goal is to abolish the 2nd amendment. Shy of that, their goal is to make it extremely difficult for law bidding citizen to own firearms, which will do nothing from preventing criminals from acquiring and using them.
I had to look that one up earlier. Watched a video on Fox Business where they were very critical of Trump for that comment and best I can surmise is he was talking about someone who was thought to be on the cusp of causing harm with a firearm. Honestly, I'd need to know more on the context of that comment before saying more.


Oct 10, 2016
Fort Worth, TX
Proud Trump hater here. No, I'm not what you call liberal and I don't like Biden. No apology is coming from me.

Why are you a hater? And no comments about his personality, twitter habits or personal life. If you can show me how he let this country down by way of policy or initiatives I'm open to hearing it.


Nov 23, 2020
Red flag is the most disturbing for me.

This is the fastest way to get cops or agents “just following orders” killed.

The American public has put up with both sides of the aisle infringing on many god given rights.

A percentage of the public is ok with shit going on at the border under guise of humanitarian action. How many of those kids will be of voting age next election ?
Anyone willing to kick in a door to strip someone of their civil rights deserves whatever awaits them. You are not a cop if you do that but a gestapo thug and should be treated accordingly.


Oct 10, 2016
Fort Worth, TX
Make it more challenging for another shooter like the kid in Boulder to do it again.

Prevent someone mentally unstable that has guns and a sinister plan BEFORE another mass shooting.
A big part of the problem stems from comms and reporting between the alphabet agencies. There have been a least several shootings where the shooter was on the FBI's radar, but for whatever reason they never reported that person, allowing them to avoid being flagged when they bought a weapon. Follow the laws that are already on the books and watch crime drop in a measurable way.


Jun 22, 2020
Anyone willing to kick in a door to strip someone of their civil rights deserves whatever awaits them. You are not a cop if you do that but a gestapo thug and should be treated accordingly.
I honestly think most cops would quit before they went door to door of law abiding citizens. I've had this discussion with the cops in my family


Jun 30, 2020
I had a guy tell me the didn't like Trump. I told him, hell I don't like him either but like has nothing to do with it. I like what he stood for, MAGA.