Executive Gun Control Orders?


Mar 28, 2017
Morrison, Colorado
There were two different voting blocks. Legislatures pass laws, the public votes for president.

The same "block" of voters that put governors and state legislators in office is the same that voted to vote in the federal office holders. It's bizarre to me that within one election cycle in GA they went from electing into a Republican super majority at the state level to electing only democratic US senators and president. Maybe the district demographics changed or there was some gerrymandering that took place, bit here in Colorado it took quite a while to make that full flip.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Doesn’t requiring ID to buy a gun limit the minorities who can’t vote because they can’t get ID?
Therein lies just one of the many hypocrisies of the left. They demand restrictions on the exercising of one right (the 2A), but then cry Jim Crow when there are simple gee "common sense" restrictions to exercising another right (right to vote). This is just yet another very simple way to see and know that their disdain for these voting laws has absolutely nothing to do with racism, Jim Crow, or even doing what's right for America........but is just another attempt at taking and keeping "the power".

What I can't figure out for the life of me though, and have been harping on it for the past 4 years........is how any minorities allow the left to get away with calling minorities too stupid, lazy, or incompetent to be able to get and show a valid ID. That's one of the most racist implications I've ever heard of. But they just seem to lap it right up, as quickly as it spews out. Mindboggling.


Jun 22, 2020
Therein lies just one of the many hypocrisies of the left. They demand restrictions on the exercising of one right (the 2A), but then cry Jim Crow when there are simple gee "common sense" restrictions to exercising another right (right to vote). This is just yet another very simple way to see and know that their disdain for these voting laws has absolutely nothing to do with racism, Jim Crow, or even doing what's right for America........but is just another attempt at taking and keeping "the power".

What I can't figure out for the life of me though, and have been harping on it for the past 4 years........is how any minorities allow the left to get away with calling minorities too stupid, lazy, or incompetent to be able to get and show a valid ID. That's one of the most racist implications I've ever heard of. But they just seem to lap it right up, as quickly as it spews out. Mindboggling.

It boggles my mind as well.

Also, it seems like we must have 10's of thousands of people driving around without licenses. How are all these people going to get vaccinated, don't they need ID for that? Do they not ask for ID for alcohol? Etc, etc.


Apr 8, 2020
The Justice Department, within 30 days, will issue a proposed rule to help stop the proliferation of “ghost guns.” We are experiencing a growing problem: criminals are buying kits containing nearly all of the components and directions for finishing a firearm within as little as 30 minutes and using these firearms to commit crimes. When these firearms turn up at crime scenes, they often cannot be traced by law enforcement due to the lack of a serial number. The Justice Department will issue a proposed rule to help stop the proliferation of these firearms.

The Justice Department, within 60 days, will issue a proposed rule to make clear when a device marketed as a stabilizing brace effectively turns a pistol into a short-barreled rifle subject to the requirements of the National Firearms Act. The alleged shooter in the Boulder tragedy last month appears to have used a pistol with an arm brace, which can make a firearm more stable and accurate while still being concealable.

The Justice Department, within 60 days, will publish model “red flag” legislation for states. Red flag laws allow family members or law enforcement to petition for a court order temporarily barring people in crisis from accessing firearms if they present a danger to themselves or others. The President urges Congress to pass an appropriate national “red flag” law, as well as legislation incentivizing states to pass “red flag” laws of their own. In the interim, the Justice Department’s published model legislation will make it easier for states that want to adopt red flag laws to do so.

The Administration is investing in evidence-based community violence interventions. Community violence interventions are proven strategies for reducing gun violence in urban communities through tools other than incarceration. Because cities across the country are experiencing a historic spike in homicides, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking a number of steps to prioritize investment in community violence interventions.

The Justice Department will issue an annual report on firearms trafficking. In 2000, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) issued a report summarizing information regarding its investigations into firearms trafficking, which is one way firearms are diverted into the illegal market where they can easily end up in the hands of dangerous individuals. Since the report’s publication, states, local, and federal policymakers have relied on its data to better thwart the common channels of firearms trafficking. But there is good reason to believe that firearms trafficking channels have changed since 2000, for example due to the emergence of online sales and proliferation of “ghost guns.” The Justice Department will issue a new, comprehensive report on firearms trafficking and annual updates necessary to give policymakers the information they need to help address firearms trafficking today.

The President will nominate David Chipman to serve as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. ATF is the key agency enforcing our gun laws, and it needs a confirmed director in order to do the job to the best of its ability. But ATF has not had a confirmed director since 2015. Chipman served at ATF for 25 years and now works to advance commonsense gun safety laws.

David Chipman is a senior policy advisor at Giffords. Previously, David served 25 years as a special agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). During his tenure, he disrupted firearms trafficking operations in Virginia that were supplying illegal guns to New York City, served as a member of ATF’s version of SWAT, and was named the Special Agent in Charge of ATF’s Firearms Programs. During his tenure at the Department of Justice, David received the Attorney General’s Award for Outstanding Contributions to Community Partnerships for Public Safety in honor of his efforts aimed at preventing gun homicides in targeted US cities. In addition, David has served two terms on the Firearms Committee of the International Association of Chiefs of Police.

Good luck gentleman!
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Jun 22, 2020
The Justice Department, within 30 days, will issue a proposed rule to help stop the proliferation of “ghost guns.” We are experiencing a growing problem: criminals are buying kits containing nearly all of the components and directions for finishing a firearm within as little as 30 minutes and using these firearms to commit crimes. When these firearms turn up at crime scenes, they often cannot be traced by law enforcement due to the lack of a serial number. The Justice Department will issue a proposed rule to help stop the proliferation of these firearms.

The Justice Department, within 60 days, will issue a proposed rule to make clear when a device marketed as a stabilizing brace effectively turns a pistol into a short-barreled rifle subject to the requirements of the National Firearms Act. The alleged shooter in the Boulder tragedy last month appears to have used a pistol with an arm brace, which can make a firearm more stable and accurate while still being concealable.

The Justice Department, within 60 days, will publish model “red flag” legislation for states. Red flag laws allow family members or law enforcement to petition for a court order temporarily barring people in crisis from accessing firearms if they present a danger to themselves or others. The President urges Congress to pass an appropriate national “red flag” law, as well as legislation incentivizing states to pass “red flag” laws of their own. In the interim, the Justice Department’s published model legislation will make it easier for states that want to adopt red flag laws to do so.

The Administration is investing in evidence-based community violence interventions. Community violence interventions are proven strategies for reducing gun violence in urban communities through tools other than incarceration. Because cities across the country are experiencing a historic spike in homicides, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking a number of steps to prioritize investment in community violence interventions.

The Justice Department will issue an annual report on firearms trafficking. In 2000, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) issued a report summarizing information regarding its investigations into firearms trafficking, which is one way firearms are diverted into the illegal market where they can easily end up in the hands of dangerous individuals. Since the report’s publication, states, local, and federal policymakers have relied on its data to better thwart the common channels of firearms trafficking. But there is good reason to believe that firearms trafficking channels have changed since 2000, for example due to the emergence of online sales and proliferation of “ghost guns.” The Justice Department will issue a new, comprehensive report on firearms trafficking and annual updates necessary to give policymakers the information they need to help address firearms trafficking today.

The President will nominate David Chipman to serve as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. ATF is the key agency enforcing our gun laws, and it needs a confirmed director in order to do the job to the best of its ability. But ATF has not had a confirmed director since 2015. Chipman served at ATF for 25 years and now works to advance commonsense gun safety laws.

Good luck gentleman!

Is this what Sleepy Joe is going to supposedly announce tomorrow?

Where did you find this?


Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
Feb 28, 2012
The Justice Department will issue an annual report on firearms trafficking. In 2000, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) issued a report summarizing information regarding its investigations into firearms trafficking, which is one way firearms are diverted into the illegal market where they can easily end up in the hands of dangerous individuals. Since the report’s publication, states, local, and federal policymakers have relied on its data to better thwart the common channels of firearms trafficking. But there is good reason to believe that firearms trafficking channels have changed since 2000, for example due to the emergence of online sales and proliferation of “ghost guns.” The Justice Department will issue a new, comprehensive report on firearms trafficking and annual updates necessary to give policymakers the information they need to help address firearms trafficking today.

Maybe they will arrest Obama and Biden for their resounding success with "Fast and Furious"

Mt Al

Dec 16, 2017
Here's a link to a story that was originally written in 2003, republished December 2020 on this awesome website with drool-worthy guns. Crazy stuff, nuttier than squirrel poop but here you go:

Our society often follows that of Europe, except politicians in Europe have recently talked about the US being too liberal.


Apr 8, 2020
Is this what Sleepy Joe is going to supposedly announce tomorrow?

Where did you find this?

T. Grant Benson released it on breaking911.com.​

It is right leaning, but usually accurate. Match’s up with what has been leaked by biden’s team.

Edit: as well as this.


Nov 23, 2020
Is this what Sleepy Joe is going to supposedly announce tomorrow?

Where did you find this?
It is also posted up on Guns and Gadgets on youtube, from my experience what he post is legit.

Should find out at 11:45 today.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
I won’t be surprised if domestic terror designations drift into Christian churches - after all most now have well trained teams...

I saw a list of supremacy/terror organizations in GA - more than half were Baptist churches. Some synagogues, no mosques. It's already there.


Mar 28, 2017
Morrison, Colorado
Colorado is a model state of how these exact gun control policies do not work. Our governor has been tooting the Colorado "model" horn since the Boulder incident and it is embarrassing.


Apr 8, 2020
Can we just combine this thread with the one discussing Trump using executive action to ban bump stocks?
Valid point. That was equally as douchebagish. Which has recently been ruled against which makes you wonder why the hell biden is going after braces.


Dec 31, 2020
Northern CO
McCain deserved every bad word said against him. He was the biggest roadblock to Trump's agenda early in his term. He was the biggest phony in the Senate....well one of the biggest, can't forget Flake!
Don't forget he was one of the _very first_ to accept the russia collusion hoax. If you recall, he very publicly flew his staffer to pick up one of the very first copies of the "dossier".

War hero, yes; unfortunately evolved into one of the worst swamp creatures to ever grace the halls of our Capital.

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