I'd be hard pressed to find guilt as a warden on what details we have.I'm also curious why this whole thing is so secretive? If I felt that I was wronged I'd be posting every last detail of the whole situation in hopes that somebody, somewhere saw something that may be useful. Somebody who knows a guy that knows a guy who met a guy knows where that deer head is.
160+ days and IDFG hasn't charged anyone with a crime? That tells me they have nothing to move forward with or they're completely incompetent. Either scenario is 100% believable.
Shooter lost sight of the deer....so it's possible that another person shot it. The only angle I can come up with for the law to even show up is if the deer was left with just the head missing.
The whole story leaves too much opportunity for hearsay. Losing sight of the animal means the potential for another to have shot it is a very plausible defense. Not ethically correct, but not necessarily illegal either.
I'm shocked you could get the law to show up. My buddy had 2 guys with two dead elk inside his property with more signs than you can believe....close to town and it still took several hours for them to show up.