Ethics in hunting, the story of my once in a lifetime Buck....

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i got off work early to check this thread and still no update...?

“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”
- Bruce Lee
The Bruce Lee quote above is your signature.

A little investigation will tell you it's going to be pretty easy to find the person(s) that are responsible for stealing your buck.

Their signature will likely read something like this:

“Knowing where the bucks are is not enough, we must follow other hunters. Following is not enough, we must steal.”
Still laughing at this one...Nice work. "Mother is indeed fine!"

Per someone's suggestion I waited until 6:15.....Got as close as I could.

Glad my poor thread writing skills have lead to one of the more entertaining threads I have ever seen.

All get top notch scores on the meme's, but Rob5598 is crushing it.

- Necropsy is right term
- The head and cape we taken, some of the meat was taken, but some was left to rot
- Called F&G immedialty after finding the carcass
- Conservation officer met me back at my camp and went to killsite independently that same day
- Necropsy confirmed single lung, liver, guts
- Conservation officer confirmed my arrow was 100% lethal
-DNA from my arrow matched the carcass
- Two friends watch area intently where deer went until dark
- I stayed at shot location until after legal shooting light
- We returned by first legal shooting light the next morning to continue the search

I'll pose this question....If someone else legally shot and took possession of this deer, I find it curious that it is not making the runs anywhere. Obviously, not a book buck, but sure one hell of a looker.

Yours Truely,
What's the crime that F&G is investigating? LE doesn't send off for DNA analysis and autopsy (or necropsy) without a crime being identified.
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