Eggs are expensive. Have you changed your breakfast because of it? What are you eating?

I don't eat them for breakfast, I do eat them at supper. They are about $8.00 dz here. I'm fortunate that my neighbor has chickens and supplies eggs every week. Great people for sure. Have not had to buy eggs in many years. I share Elk or Deer with them to reciprocate.
We have a lot of community members with laying hens because they like to do their own thing. When you have to pay $80 for a sack of chicken feed it really doesn’t matter what eggs cost in the store.
I have overnight oats through the week nothing crazy but the wife and kid were having eggs almost daily but we have switched to duck eggs from our neighbor and I will be getting chickens this year. Have been wanting to get them for the past 3 years but something has come up every year taking priority.
I’d like to ask for a favor. Post the Rogan podcast from today on the current events/politics/echo chamber on tbh. Most of those guys need to hear it. And if they search back in the archives, they will see Ole Dapper was telling them all of this 4 years ago….

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TLDR. Got cliff notes?
I have raised my own for 30 years. I use them for my business and give them to my neighbors. I was selling in Bozeman for a good bit until about 4 months ago. I had a lady complain to me that $8/doz delivered to your door for no soy, no corn, non GMO pastured ranged eggs was just way too much. Said she could get them for 12.99/doz at Whole Foods. I said I don't understand your math but ok. Also seeing people with brand new trucks, million plus dollar homes and all the toys, hunting trips, vacations and so on bitch about egg prices. Pretty outstanding. Craigslist usually has plenty of folks selling local eggs cheap, Winco has cheap eggs if you are on a budget and so does Costco. My vote and always is to buy local and establish relationships with local farmers and growers. It makes a big difference when stuff happens. As with anything where stores can gouge you they will. And yes, isn't it amazing it's just chickens that seem to get this? But again, wait until all commodity meat birds and egg layers that go through the system will be mandatory vaxxed with the mRNA vaccine for it. If you guys ever get bored and want to look more into this stuff look at some of Joel Salatins older and current information.
Ive been in the food industry all of my career and the USDA and FDA are a complete shit show and continue be that way. The more you can learn how to do for yourself and your family the better off you will be.
I have chickens so never have to worry about buying eggs. We buy 200 pounds of feed at a time from a local mill and that costs about $45. That lasts 3-4 months. Whatever eggs we don’t eat I sell to my coworkers for $3 a dozen. That about pays for the feed. They are saving money and helping me out at the same time. They love em and every one of em has said how much better they are than store bought. I live out in the country so having chickens is easy other than the occasional fox or hawk when the chickens are out free ranging. I built about 90 percent of the coupe with material I had or was given to me. We love fresh eggs and go through a lot of em. I think the last time I checked our local grocery store they were 2 dozen for $10.
I wake up, get dressed, and go to work. Breakfast is a pb&j at 9:30 break time.

This whole egg thing has been eye opening as to how many eggs people eat. I enjoy them as much as the next guy but at $6/dozen at my local Wally World I still buy them when I want them. Usually when I buy a dozen I fry a breakfast worth for me and the wife and the rest get boiled for snacks.

I know they're considered a good, healthy, cheap source of protein, but I'm still wrapping my head around people eating so many eggs that the price doubling has a major impact on their grocery budget. Surely these aren't the same people buying $5 bags of chips and $7 cases of soda? Is the whole thing just blown out of proportion?