EDC w/ Small Children


Mar 14, 2017
This is something that I think about often. Here is the system I have come up with.

When I leave the house in the morning, I chamber a round. When I get home at night I unchamber a round and put the gun away or on top of the refrigerator depending on if we are going back out for some reason.

If we go out as a family let's say grocery shopping the gun stays in an IWB in the ependix position. Never has there been a situation where my kid is under the barel of my gun in the appendix position. If they have come close I tell them and remind them.

I know alot of guys hate a safety for an EDC but I've grown to like it as an added layer of confidence specifically because of my kids. I know how guns work and am confident in my abilities and handling but that one extra added layer still makes me happier.

My current EDC which is an OSP Hellcat doesn't have a safety and I find myself carrying one of my other pistols with a thumb safety on the weekends or when I'm out with my family.

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May 27, 2021
My $0.02 is think hard about where you store the gun when yo aren’t wearing it. Locked case, small safe, big safe. Kids are curious And they get around more than you would think. Don’t rely on a gun being out of reach or hard to find.

FWIW I am a fan of the single pistol fort knox safes. Gun vault is a decent option but mine could be payed with a screw driver by a kid. I don’t trust it.
I totally agree. A few years back, a local police officer who was a friend of the family left a handgun sit on his dresser for a few minutes while he was getting around one morning and his 8 year old son killed himself. After hearing that, I bought a few more safes. My guns are either on me or locked up. I'm teaching my kids about gun safety, but for now, I'm not going to assume or hope they're responsible enough to not do something dumb with a gun that isn't locked up.

I've never worried about the safety of a modern handgun carried in a good, secure holster.