SUGGESTIONS for Carry piece for Wife w/ "Pre-arthritic" hands.


Jun 9, 2021
South Carolina
I went through this with my wife also. She could only rack the slide on the Glock 43 and the Ruger LC9. Bought the Ruger LC9 because it had a safety which is what she wanted but not sure they still make that model. It weights 17 ounces unloaded but being so light it is a little tough on follow up shots I thought. It sits in the safe now because her health deteriorated too much and she couldn't handle it at all. I had bought her the SW Mod 60 357 3"inch but it was way too much for her plus the blowback in your face was a bit rough I thought, especially with +P rounds. I carry an older SW M+P Shield 9 that weights 21 ounces and shoots very well. It's 7 + 1 though so limited on rounds but a very nice little gun. Good luck with your search.
If you look for a LC9, search specifically for the later LC9s striker fired. Much better trigger feel.