- Joined
- May 19, 2021
- Location
- Western Wyoming
Great deal on likely the best tool for the job here. Legal in CA?
Not seeing the 30 super carry in their handgun roster. Would rather go with 9mm anyway.
Was wanting a more concealable option than the size of these Shield EZ's though. If I could swing it.
Doesn't mean I won't take Mama to go try these Shield EZ's though. Sounds like they made them specifically for persons with these types of hand-strength issues.
I'd just like the ending choice of gun to be somewhere in that 20oz or below range, if I can find one she operates well enough. And I'm thinking like your 3.xx barrel length so that she could potentially, if need, just put it within a sticky-type pocket-holster if need be.
Thing of it is... I'm figuring chances are high these other folks on these group hikes would freak-out if they knew somebody in the group was carrying. (The masses out here are brainwashed, the boob-tube, ya'know.)
So ultimately I'd like to find a gun I know she can operate without issue, that is easily concealable, and can handle up to 9mm +P type energy levels, and shoot LeHigh's without issue, as that'd be the round I'd want her to carry in the woods.
Yeah, I'm figuring for now, just load the p238 w/ 90gr LeHigh Xtreme Penetrator. She does fine shooting it with your typical 90gr range ammo/fmj stuff.I think if you can't get a p938, then having her run the p238 is probably best. Check out hill people gear kit bags for carry - they have some that look much less "tacticool" and more general outdoors, plus they work well with a pack, and you might be able to carry the spray as well.
My HPG recon kit bag is probably my most used bit of gear. So handy, and they have some brighter colors now that would be fairly low profile for a hiking group. Drop them a line and they can recommend the right size, though I think even the smallest one would handle a p238 without issue.Yeah, I'm figuring for now, just load the p238 w/ 90gr LeHigh Xtreme Penetrator. She does fine shooting it with your typical 90gr range ammo/fmj stuff.
Hrmm... Good call on that Hill People Gear upfront bag.
Yeah... I bet that wouldn't be too hard of a sell to get her to start wearing on the hikes, especially if she could just easily have the BearSrpay w/in it as well.
Probably make it handy to have snacks in up-front (GU Packets, maybe a trail bar) and like eyedrops/advil/chapstick/cellphone/wallet etc.
Willingness to practice is, of course, "a challenge". When she gets home she's drained from work and dealing with OPP (she's a Human Resources Director, so ya know, people tend to go see HR ...AFTER.. their shift is done.)Sorry if I missed this - does your wife have the hand and wrist strength (and/or willingness to practice consistently to put multiple rounds on target in a lightweight 9mm?
I've carried a little Diamondback DB9 every day for over 6 years. It always shoots and weighs 11 ounces empty. Very thin profile and shoots very accurate for what it is. Don't know if she can rack the slide though. Worth a try.Not seeing the 30 super carry in their handgun roster. Would rather go with 9mm anyway.
Was wanting a more concealable option than the size of these Shield EZ's though. If I could swing it.
Doesn't mean I won't take Mama to go try these Shield EZ's though. Sounds like they made them specifically for persons with these types of hand-strength issues.
I'd just like the ending choice of gun to be somewhere in that 20oz or below range, if I can find one she operates well enough. And I'm thinking like your 3.xx barrel length so that she could potentially, if need, just put it within a sticky-type pocket-holster if need be.
Thing of it is... I'm figuring chances are high these other folks on these group hikes would freak-out if they knew somebody in the group was carrying. (The masses out here are brainwashed, the boob-tube, ya'know.)
So ultimately I'd like to find a gun I know she can operate without issue, that is easily concealable, and can handle up to 9mm +P type energy levels, and shoot LeHigh's without issue, as that'd be the round I'd want her to carry in the woods.
Yeah...Nope.. Not on Roster.PDP-F is a great gun for the gals (and guys!) slide is easy to manipulate, and the slide release is super easy!
Made to fit smaller and weaker hands.
Willingness to practice is, of course, "a challenge". When she gets home she's drained from work and dealing with OPP (she's a Human Resources Director, so ya know, people tend to go see HR ...AFTER.. their shift is done.)Sorry if I missed this - does your wife have the hand and wrist strength (and/or willingness to practice consistently to put multiple rounds on target in a lightweight 9mm?
Aw Damn man... sorry to hear about your Mrs there.I went through this with my wife also. She could only rack the slide on the Glock 43 and the Ruger LC9. Bought the Ruger LC9 because it had a safety which is what she wanted but not sure they still make that model. It weights 17 ounces unloaded but being so light it is a little tough on follow up shots I thought. It sits in the safe now because her health deteriorated too much and she couldn't handle it at all. I had bought her the SW Mod 60 357 3"inch but it was way too much for her plus the blowback in your face was a bit rough I thought, especially with +P rounds. I carry an older SW M+P Shield 9 that weights 21 ounces and shoots very well. It's 7 + 1 though so limited on rounds but a very nice little gun. Good luck with your search.
Ok so then Question... to those HORRIBLY gritty triggers they while sitting in the LGS... do they loosen up and become smoother with wear and use then? Cause on previous visit solo, I'd asked to checkout a Shield.. and the gritty-ness of the trigger was atrocious.I'd suggest a S&W Shield with a slip on Hogue grip with finger grooves.