Drinking Nothing but Water for a Full Year

I’m having a hard time with laying off the caffeine. If I go a few days with no caffeine then I take on some major headaches. Are there any suggestions on how to avoid this? I want to completely kick caffeine. Most people say ween off instead of quitting cold turkey but is there anything I can do to help with this process? Like more hydration or just embrace the suck?

More hydration will help. The headaches are something you’ve got to get through. For me, they hit on the 2nd -4th day after quitting cold turkey, then they get better. So if you can embrace the suck for a couple days, you should be good to go.

For some general info…if you do want to use some caffeine, if you wait 90 minutes after waking up before having any, it’ll help a lot with avoiding the “caffeine crash”. Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, which is present in high amounts when sleeping. If you drink caffeine right away in the morning, your body hasn’t had a chance to clear the adenosine build up from sleep, and then the caffeine blocks the receptors. Once the caffeine wears off, the adenosine build up in your bloodstream binds all at once, and you experience a big wave of sleepiness. For most people, it takes 8-10 hours to clear caffeine from the system entirely, so as long as you’re not having any after about noon, you should be Ok from a sleep quality standpoint.

On a side note, alcohol is absolutely death on sleep quality. If you’re having it with any regularity, it’s messing you up.

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incredible. will you plan on keeping this up indefinitely?
In 2024, I consumed mostly water, but also had a few beers every so often and occasionally a Dr. Pepper if I was on a long drive and needed some caffeine to help keep me from getting sleepy. However, I once again realized that even just a single alcoholic beverage disrupted my sleep and I always regretted it later. I’ve recently decided to go back to drinking 100% water and will likely do it indefinitely.