Coffee alternatives? (not in the field) Celsius?

You could try the coffee snob way and brew light roasted pour-over coffee at 195F. Happymug has very reasonable prices on fresh roasted coffee and shipment is very fast. It'll be a lot less bitter than the common darker roasts you typically find in the grocery store.

You might be able to get away with a little sugar in your coffee, even on a keto diet, so long as it's not an extreme amount or many cups.
I've recently become a big fan of Celsius. I'm a no additive, black coffee drinker, the thicker the better. Celsius is my pre-workout, just tired in the afternoon drink. So far so good. I'm started buying it by the case now, so the addiction is real.

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Figured I'd ask here as lots are in tune with healthy eating. For several years I did vanilla coffee mate with the Costco columbian coffee. The coffeemate was delicious but lots of suspect ingredients thatwill probably take years off my life so I stopped the coffeemate. About the time i quit coffeemate I did keto and switched to heavy cream and a scoop of monk fruit sweetener in my coffee. That was ok, better than some of the almond milk stuff I tried but nowhere near as enjoyable as coffeemate. Since then I stopped keto and I'm doing half and half and monk fruit sweetener. It's better than hav cream but sometimes for a break I will have a monster zero sugar or Celsius instead.

I'm guessing monster zero sugaris is similar to coffeemate and filled with crap but is the Celsius ok to maybe switch to full time? I use sure keto to check ingredients and is seems to be decent. That seems to be the easiest to find in stores non crap energy drink so maybe was gonna switch to it full time. Or if there's any other suggestions for those that like sweeter creamier coffee please share. Maybe there's benefits to coffee I'm oblvious to and would be missing out on by switching to an energy drink Black coffee though not gonna happen and neither will quitting caffeine. I'm a special ed teacher and need all the energy I can get

My wife is special Ed teacher, 30-years in. She substitutes caffeine with alcohol....

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I’m in a similar boat to you OP. Don’t care for coffee and Celsius doesn’t seem that bad. They do put Sucralose in it, which may or may not be as bad as sugar (I’m not a nutritionist) but I’ve recently started buying Jocko Fuel and LMNT salt supplements. They all taste great and from what I can tell, have less of the bad stuff. Might be worth a try. The powders are definitely cheaper than buying the drinks at the gas station, but Celsius is everywhere and thus super convenient.

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You’d be surprised how much energy you’ll have throughout the day without the rise and fall of caffeine. I didn’t believe it until I tried it. You’ll feel (and probably be) a whole lot healthier too.

Not exactly what you want to hear, but something that shouldn’t be ruled out.

Ok seriously, Celsius is fine to me. I see them at more health and wellness events than any other beverage vendor.
I use this pre workout powder from Costco (also available on Amazon), it’s great and gives me nearly a full day of energy/focus without the crash a burn I get with energy drinks. I still drink coffee cause I like the taste, but this stuff is a good alternative. I rarely take more than 1 scoop even though they recommend up to 2. Probably pretty similar to MTN Ops.

Actually that is pretty different from Ignite, however it’s also probably my second favorite energy/pre workout type product. Something about combing Aminos and caffeine really gives you something that is more than the sum of its parts. Definitely add Amino Energy as a consideration.
I can’t drink coffee. One cup and I’m jittery for two days. I tried Mud water and a bit of honey for a sweetener, and it has made a real difference for me. The little bit of caffeine gets me started, but no jitters at all. The focus it give me is amazing! I’m able to just start on something and keep going until it’s done.
Have also been trying to cut back on the Joe/coffeemate combo, so tasty and delicious, plus it keeps my gut regular. Some buddies had me try Ketone IQ and I’ve really liked the outcome, consistent energy for longer durations, no spikes or jitters, feel good. Now the taste is absolutely horrendous, like drinking an 87 octane, but works the few I’ve had. Cost is way more than coffee. AG1 is another option some buddies use and like but I have yet to try that. Will be keeping an eye on this thread for additional alternatives.