Downside of a new job

Man you are easily triggered, but still don't shoot straight!! I bet you got yourself a safe space at work where you go when rokslide guys hit a little too close to home huh!

My post was in reply to the guy who said he deserves a months time off the first damn day on job. That dude hasn't earned any respect yet with said employer. That's all I was replying to. Of course, true to a liberal snowflakes form, you never addressed this in your reply to me.
Why do you feel the need to add a personal attack? Do you feel this is acceptable within the context of this conversation?

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Grass isnt always greener on the other side. But if you sit back and realize your work is carrying stress over to home life. You need to manage that, or move on. I have seen it time and time again with guys who just turn bitter.

Well done OP. I'd bet a beer your post inspired someone to do the same
I don't know in what world I would take less time off if you gave me "unlimited" PTO...9 weeks off this year has been nice.
Honestly, without my paystub saying “you have X days of PTO remaining” I’ve been really bad about actually taking time off since my company switched from banked PTO to “unlimited” PTO. I definitely didn’t take my 3 weeks last year and I don’t think I’m going to hit that threshold this year either.
By far, the biggest downside of a new job is losing the PTO you've banked for years. Thanks to Covid, the landscape of my work (Epic builder/analyst) has drastically changed and allowed me to move on to greener pastures that did not exist pre-Covid. (fully remote work)

My previous employer, where I'd worked for almost 16 years, not only tolerated a toxic work environment, they seemed to foster it. Laziness, incompetence and downright stupidity were ignored and a culture of "good work was rewarded with mountains of more work" was in place. A combination of below market-value salary and the toxic work environment were taking a toll on me mentally, the job was turning me into someone didn't want to be. For my own mental and physical health, I had to move on.

So at the end of August I resigned my position and walked away smiling. I have zero regrets in making the job change. I'm now part of a fantastic team of people and make WAY MORE money doing the exact same work. Unfortunately I went from over 400 hours of PTO to 16 (starting out). While the PTO hit sucks for sure, in the grand scheme of things, I'm much better off for taking the plunge and moving on from a toxic job.

Thankfully, because I had over 400 hour of PTO that was paid out in full when I resigned, I was able to take a month off between jobs. My understanding wife (who had to be a single parent while I was gone), let me spend almost 3 of those weeks out in ID chasing elk this September! The biggest downside, however, is that the next few years I'll have to use my PTO sparingly so that I'll have enough to spend 2 weeks every fall chasing elk out west somewhere.

I still can't wrap my head around this unlimited PTO idea. If you have unlimited paid vacation why would your ever actually show up and work?

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its a psychological 'game'.....not, its not unlimited, but by not putting a defined limit (eg 40 hours PTO), you allow flexibility and freedom within a team or group. Its quite clever and studies have shown the effectiveness of such an approach in certain job functions.
After 20+ years in the mining industry, I made a switch and now work for the state DOT. No where near the money and I took a hit on vacation, but I now have a pension, 7.5 hr work day, and more holidays than I can remember. Bonus has been reduced stress, no more night terrors, ability to roll over unused vacation, and an "essential" job with nearly zero fear of being fired.
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Unlimited PTO is usually based on a scrum style of project management. Your team, boss or employer expects you to get xyz done in a "timebox" and when thats completed you have met your obligation. It also frequently allows you to swing a schedule to work the hours you want. Wanna slam all your work out working 24 hours non stop? As long as its done to standard and expectations get it done and get on with your life.

Is it practical.... not really in most situations. Works great in software at times but collaboration is often the hindrance. I cant have a meeting mid day if youre sleeping because you were up 24 hours cranking out the project work.

Beyond that it assumes you actually care about those around you. I dont know about you but I work in software and I still coordinate with my team to ensure no one gets a poopy stick.
Your wife 'let you'...........ummm....ok.

Some guys have wives with self respect and a job/commitments that aren't always able to be a single parent for 3 weeks straight because it suits their husband. If a wife is willing to take on that additional burden without being a PITA then i think it's fair to categorize it as "letting" her husband go.
I guess I can see how it would fit in to other industries but I think it's dishonest to call it unlimited. I have a service industry business where we need to see a constant schedule of appointments so the work can never really get "done." Getting back to the OP I think it's good you're looking at the big picture. Too many people don't and get burnt out which can lead to very bad things. A wise man once told me you work to live, you don't live to work. Of course he was another hound guy so maybe not the best place to look for career advice.

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Unlimited PTO means you may not take it, from time to time, when it's convenient for you. It's easier for someone to "cancel" your plans for you.

It's a catch to attract...
You are an incredible person since you dared to quit after 20 years. Well, it's better to think about yourself late than never. If you are satisfied and happy, everything else is not so necessary.
I also worked at an unloved job for about 7 years and recently quit. The job was good, I liked it, but the boss was an asshole. I was able to endure only 7 years, and it's a very long time.
Well, the only problem was getting fired. I was worried about how the boss would react to this and whether he would kick me out in disgrace.
In the end, I followed the advice from the site and everything ended well.
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