You do realize that the 25% does not only pertain to money, right? You do realize if the business wants top production (performance), it must give out top expenditure (compensation), right? You do realize the business gets it's four times more based on the human capital owned by the employee, right?
Only a fool in business thinks they can get top production for minimal investment, or in layman terms, a "bargain employee". Your formula isn't necessarily true as it also depends on the overall "overhead" or cost to do business against revenue coming in. Not all business models require a 4 to 1 ratio. What determines the output needed is the marginal product of labor and not some "rule of thumb".
The business has to "earn" everything in life as well...
Edit: And, the not taking more than 25% isn't the employees problem to worry about, it's the business's. If the business can't figure out how to adequately compensate the employee for their knowledge, experience, and skillset and still only give them 25% of what they produce, then the business needs to re-examine their business model...