A simple formula to answer this post would look something like this: Find a archery unit with over 10% success that has at least 20-40% public land (which overlaps with september elk habitat), that takes at least 3,4, or 5 points to draw. Sort of a waste to draw a unit that requires 1 or 2 points to draw when you have 5. Some might say its a waste on 3 as well, but depends on your outlook on these things. All of these statistics are available in rough form from Colorado parks and wildlife's website, or more aggregated/easy to read on GoHunt or similar services etc. If you have the cash, get a gohunt account or similar service for a year, it is helpful in narrowing down units. Find your units where you would be within these parameters, then search for outfitters on the Colorado Outfitters Association website search function. Maybe someone has a semi-guided option or trespass fee hunt to give you an edge. Even a trespass fee that gets you through to remote part of public land could be helpful. Then e-scout, scout in person, shoot a lot, call a lot, and get in shape.