Don't know what to do with my 5 Colorado points

A simple formula to answer this post would look something like this: Find a archery unit with over 10% success that has at least 20-40% public land (which overlaps with september elk habitat), that takes at least 3,4, or 5 points to draw. Sort of a waste to draw a unit that requires 1 or 2 points to draw when you have 5. Some might say its a waste on 3 as well, but depends on your outlook on these things. All of these statistics are available in rough form from Colorado parks and wildlife's website, or more aggregated/easy to read on GoHunt or similar services etc. If you have the cash, get a gohunt account or similar service for a year, it is helpful in narrowing down units. Find your units where you would be within these parameters, then search for outfitters on the Colorado Outfitters Association website search function. Maybe someone has a semi-guided option or trespass fee hunt to give you an edge. Even a trespass fee that gets you through to remote part of public land could be helpful. Then e-scout, scout in person, shoot a lot, call a lot, and get in shape.
I say that I am "burning" my points in states because I'm tired of chasing hunts that I'm unlikely to draw. Weird thing to get riled up about...

Hunting with a recurve, I would not plan on killing a big bull in Colorado (or anywhere). Going solo as a rookie and you should shoot the first legal elk.

If that area looks appealing, roll the dice and plan to stay as long as possible.
@okie archer
I think the reality of CO is 5pts is gonna be a rag/cow unit realistically.

There will just be slightly less pressure then otc

But sense you made the comment indicating your only interested in larger bull imo you have unrealistic expectations.

Try to find an outfitter possibly.
Not what it used to be... burn points....

Omg do you guys like to hunt or not?! Go hunting. Nothing is ever what it used to be. Do some research, make a decision , do some work and have some fun!
No F’n shit!! No matter the state, unit or F’ing animal someone always had to say”it’s not what it used to be” Nothing about life is as it used to be! Go. Go have fun and make memories.