Dogs and raw game meat

I always give my dog plenty of scraps whenever im butchering, she loves it. We feed her a raw meat diet anyway tho. She used to get gas at first but doesn't seem to anymore
Puppy here loves it. Butchered 6 deer over the weekend and he was in heaven. He’s 3 months old. Was dropping some serious Lincoln logs afterwards. It’s nice because when the kids or myself aren’t picking stuff clean it still gets used up. A buddy of mine has several dogs that have never eaten anything except raw animal scraps on the farm.
A very eccentric vet once told me, dogs are, CAR KNEE VORS, that's how he said it, feed them meat. He failed to mention the nasty gas part.
My labs eat kitchen tubberware, drywall, and other household items. I'm sure yours will be fine with some raw deer...

Now that's funny. Ya gotta love labs. When I would go and do a poop pick up run in the yard, I'd find all kinds of stuff, golf balls, rubber bands, bolts, clothing.....even a missing tv remote.

I currently give my pup deer and elk scraps mixed with high quality dry. No issues whatsoever and I'm certainly no vet but I think its good for her. Seems that wolves have been doing it for a gazillion years, minus the dry of course.🙂

If your dog has been fed nothing but kibble it’s entire life it may have a hard time processing the raw meat. Rancid gas, diarrhea, and so on. Start with small portions and work up if you don’t see any issues.
I feed my dogs strictly raw chicken for a diet with no issues. No wild game though. No gas issues and they shit less. It actually cost less to feed them now than if we used premium dog food.
One is 16 years old and has just starting to really slow down this past year, his hips are going bad.
The other is 12 years old and is still running around great.
My Greyhounds eat Elk, Deer. No problems. My Vet told me years ago That the tracks feed them raw meat and vegtables to keep them bulked up with muscle. They do fart alot when I feed them scraps, makes me laugh..
If I'm cleaning birds, I'll throw my dog the hearts. We have never had any problems. I've also occasionally thrown him trimmings when I'm cleaning up a roast or similar.
Me too. My GSP gets a reward for his work. Our dogs get raw meat when I'm butchering, as well as table scraps. No issues, and virtually no farting. I'm clearly the culprit in the latter category.
There is some suppliments you can buy for raw food diets, to cover necessary minerals. A lot also add cooked rice. Raw diets are very prevalent in Europe in the high end k9 circles from
What I researched. I live in an area where deer are a nuisance and tags are all but unlimited (SE) and If I was only feeding 2 dogs I would absolutely feed deer/rice diet.
I do it every year. Sometimes they get the shits because they have been accustomed to dry dog food the rest of the year, but my dogs spend more time outdoors than indoors, so it's not a big deal as long we take them out when they whimper/bark. I also feed leg bones, which the dogs will just about eat entirely over a few weeks. This has the opposite effect of the meat. It makes their shit hard and cementitious.
Deer, elk, moose, ect.. often contain cysts from worms. Various types of tape worms, and others that can harm the dog and the dogs owner (the dog can spread the worms to people, farm animals, other pets ect….)
The dog acts as the conduit to allow the worms to continue their life cycle.

If you feed raw game meat you probably will want to discuss with your vet about a suggested dewormer application schedule.

As you can read in the link, a few of the preventive measures are to not feed dogs raw game.

A client of mine 15 years ago picked up one of those misc worms and he was out of commission for 6 months, before they figured out what it was and where it went. Now he’s a lot more careful.

100% of dogs alive today have survived these bugs. 0% of those killed by the same bugs are.
My dog likes to clean the meat off the bone when I’m done deboning. I take it away when she starts crunching the bone. Vet said that is totally fine.

I usually refrigerate the bones in vacuum bags so she has one a day for a week or so.
Mine get it all the time when we butcher. In fact I saved the livers for them when pregnant on my vets recommendation. I can't believe this is even a serious question.
Mine get it all the time when we butcher. In fact I saved the livers for them when pregnant on my vets recommendation. I can't believe this is even a serious question.
Me neither, but the vet comes highly recommended so I thought maybe he knew what he was talking about