There are alot of benefits to hunting forums, but have you ever stopped and really asked yourself how much disinformation is out there? The constant, "The drought, the winter kill, the fires, CO OTC crawling with hunters etc" when guys ask for specific regions, units etc. is incredible. There were several threads this past year on units I know well, and the amount of disinformation given to get guys moving along is comical at best.
The internet is a wonderful thing, but has killed a lot of units as well. Sadly, a lot of guys don't want to put the keys in their trucks and see for themselves, or take the risk of a fall that wasn't so full of encounters. The point of this post, don't be discouraged by the feedback you get on forums or even biologists for that matter. If you expect to post a question on a unit, and truly think you're going to get positive feedback, you may be in for an eye opening.